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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Every defense the rest of the way are going to do this to the offense:


    1) Keep Taylor as contained in the pocket as they can

    2) Limit the running game and take away the tight ends.

    3) Force Roman to call more passing plays to the receivers (he's not as good with utilizing the receivers as many may think - ask the 49ers).

    4) Challenge TT to win the game with the long ball while challenging our O-line to hold up (they got exposed by the Patriots)


    I still like our playoff chances though. We're still good once we beat Miami :thumbsup:


    They can try that. If Roman's got nothing to counter to it, we'll deserve to lose.


    You don't mention the blueprint for beating our D shown by NE, but the question there is can other QB consistently throw like Brady did and not get picked for it.

  2. Not sure if this was posted elsewhere, if so please delete.


    Our starting QB sucked today. He was slow to get the ball out, he was poor with his decision making, and he was unable to decide what to do quickly.


    Major fail from Taylor and the OL. Glenn got soundly beaten by Jones. If your QB can't make up his mind and your OL can't protect you are out of the conversation. We deserve any ridicule we get. IdiotS.


    Why did you change the subject: line? The original was so much more appropriate.


    As for anything else I already said it: http://forums.twobil...band/?p=3692136

    If the defense could have made a stop of that last series instead of letting NE march down the field wasting clock and kicking a FG, Tyrod may have actually won this game by putting the team on his back....


    That said he didn't play well until the 4th.


    Heh, If the D could have made a stop on a number of series, we might not have needed to make that last TD. You're right about that stop, but that was only the last drive of the day.


    On the "didn't play well until the 4th" I think you're missing something. After the first series, the Pats started stacking the box. Our coaches really did not have a good counter for this. Taylor is what he was chosen to be: an inexperienced QB who is not supposed to carry the team on his arm. Fair enough Rex and Co, but then don't have a game plan that consists of 1) run until you can't 2) expect Taylor to carry the team on his arm. I haven't watched the all 22 yet, but when I do I expect to see disguised coverages in the 2ndary designed to make a game-inexperienced QB question what he sees. That is Belichek's trademark with young QB. As the game wore on, 2 things happened: 1) Taylor started figuring it out and regaining confidence 2) in response, the Pats backed guys off the line and we could run again.


    Taylor needs to learn to run. I understand he wants to be known as a passer but i counted at least 6 times he could have ran for at lest 5 yards. When he starts to do that Defense will have to change plans.


    Are you sure about those 6 times and 5 yards? Typically when the D is stacking the box and stuffing the run, it's bad news for the QB to be running, also.


    Taylor was the 2nd rusher on the team yesterday with 5 attempts for 43 yds.

  4. Yesterday the league learned how to beat us. Taylor cannot pick apart defenses. Basically stack the box. And our secondary is god awful. You know its bad when the jets secondary a year ago shut down pats (with ryan) and this one was giving up record setting performances.


    It was a disgrace. This season has turned into a 5-11 campaign at best.


    Please seek immediate treatment for your PTBS (post traumatic Bills syndrome). Here, let me help since I already said it:



    great first post!


    I think sar chasm may be too subtle here, but perhaps he'll slip on the edge and fall in?

  5. I am a Pats fan, and reading some of the comments on here I am shocked. You guys should be damn proud of your team! Why?


    1. They never gave up! Lets be honest most years since BB and Brady have been in NE the Pats up 37-13 the Bills call it a day and the final score is something like 50-13. This time they fought back and made it a damn close game in 40-32.


    2. Taylor, your QB showed a lot of risilience today, guy was hit more than a pinyata but he still got up and LED your team on the comeback


    3. Your Defense which scared the crap out of me coming in played I would say their worst game EVER and you still had a chance.


    as BB said after the KC lost last year you learn more about a team when they are being trounced than when things are going well. It shows the true makeup of the team.



    So I would predict 2nd place in the AFC East for you guys and a wild card birth.. I am going to say you will be 11-5. W(with 2 of those losses to NE. :P


    I give you props, PatsNH. This is a classy post.


    We have some posters who definitely suffer from PTBS (post traumatic Bills syndrome) and exhibit manic-depressive symptomology.

    arrogant new england scum


    STFU with the insults for no reason.

    it was meant to show you guys sometimes you learn more about your team in a loss than you do in a victory... For an example look at NE last year against KC.


    I WAS proud of how hard we continued to fight. I was dismayed by our coaching - I really felt we still got out-coached. I think Rex's style of D (pressure, stuff the run, at the expense of the quick slant and the occasional long pass because no CB on an island can be perfect) actually plays into Brady/Belicheck strengths. Still, it's happened before that the Pats have embarrassed a Rex team and he's come back roaring the 2nd time. So we'll see.

  6. Well said. Aaron Williams is passionate, loves the team, and his teammates. I will take this every day of the week. I am still waiting for CBS to show the replay of the call that went against him. I would love to see whether it was another phantom call.


    I don't think it was a phantom call, but I do think something that the refs missed happened around the call - either there was an initial cheap shot on Williams or a retaliation that wasn't penalized.

    He can be a hot-head, but a player typically doesn't need to be wrestled down and sent to his room by 2 coaches unless there's something.

  7. Anatomy of the game. My comments in italics. I did this because of all the talk going around, misinformation (successive #s of 3 and outs, when TT threw his interceptions etc.)


    Bills #1: solid drive. TD

    Pats #1: 3 and out after incomplete 25 yd pass.

    Bills #2: 3 and out. 10 yard penalty on the return, 1st and 10 from the 28.

    Pats #2: Brady passes of 16, 36, 7, and 8 yards. TD. Pats overcome Brady sack on 1st and 15 (due to Gronk false start penalty).

    This highlights my concerns about the Rex D. It's a gambling D, willing to give up the big play in exchange for QB pressure and run D. It also forshadowed the Pats plans for the day: "you're giving us the deep pass and the quick slant, we'll take 'em"

    Bills #3: 10 yard penalty on the return, 1st and 10 from the 10 yard line. 3 and out, including Taylor sack at the 1 yd line and Colton penalty.

    Taylor was put into a difficult position for an inexperienced QB. He's working from his 10 yd line against a team that is stacking the box. He doesn't want to give up the pick-6 or any INT which gives the Pats a short field, and he doesn't, but he takes a sack in the process. He'll learn. I assign blame to our coaches who did not appear to have an effective answer to the Pats stacking the box, when we knew all week that's what they'd try. Then, unfortunately our ST unit gives Brady the ball at our on 13 yd line anyway.

    Pats #3 TD after starting from the Bills 13 yard line after ST allows 28 yd return and 14 yd penalty from 2 unnecessary roughness calls.

    One question I have is why the unnecessary roughness calls? They shouldn't allow themselves to be provoked, but with that big return - was there uncalled tripping or holding? Or was it just bad play all around on our ST? Whatever - the end result was to accomplish what Taylor was apparently trying to avoid, giving Brady the ball down in our red zone.

    Bills #4: Interception of Taylor pass to Clay on 3rd and 9 after 2 ineffective handoffs to McCoy on 1st and 2nd down. 9 yard return to Buff 30.

    Pats #4: TD after starting from the Bills 30 yard line after INT

    At this point, the Bills are in a 14 point hole, Brady is moving the ball at will, and our offense has no answer to their defensive adjustments.

    Bills #5: 3 and out after 9 yard pass, -1 run, and -8 sack.

    Pats #5 Checkdown pass at LOS followed by 10 yard RAC. FUMBLE followed by 15 yd penalty for unnecessary roughness on A Williams. Williams goes ballistic, starts fighting his own coaches, and is sent to his room. Question: what made Wiliams so hot? He obviously felt there was something unfair about the penalty.

    Bills #6. 3 and out after 7 yd gain on 2 plays, incomplete pass that would have been negated by penalty on Miller.

    Pats #6. 4 and out. Run stuffed and Brady pressured into incomplete throw by Mario Wiliams.

    Bills #7. 22 yd pass negated by 5 yd illegal formation penalty on Mulligan. Circus catch by Watkins on tipped ball. Pass interference on NE gives us the ball at NE 9; TD

    Missed extra point.

    Pats #7 Field goal after ugly drive. Beautiful 3rd-and-8 sack on Brady negated by holding penalty on Darby, giving the Pats a 1st down. 40 yd pass. 12 yd pass.

    Bills #8. 3 1st downs followed by interception of pass to Watkins with 16 seconds in half, giving NE the ball with 5 seconds left. I do not blame Taylor for this INT; there is no risk to trying to force something when you're down by 11 points with so little time left on the clock.

    Pats #8: 5 seconds left; kneel down.


    OK, at this point let's look at the big picture. Fourteen of the Patriots points were enabled by handing them the ball in scoring position due to porous ST play and penalties We have 34 yds in penalties on ST, which materially affected the game by pinning us deep and setting up the events that gift-wrapped the ball for the Pats. 2 sacks of Brady and numerous pressures - but one sack negated by holding penalty. Pats consistently moving the ball on the quick slant followed by YAC and the occasional deep bomb. Taylor is allowing himself to be sacked but I'm not gonna judge until I look at the all-22.


    IMO, the coaches did not have a very good plan to handle us starting a drive on our 10 yd line against the Pats stacking the box and perhaps using disguised coverages to confuse Taylor and make him question what he was seeing. And it was a no-brainer that the Pats were going to stack the box. It's pretty clear that we're beating ourselves in a lot of ways. We also are giving up the very stuff that Brady does best on D - the quick slant or dump off pass that goes for YAC. There was a lot of pressure on Brady and 2 sacks, but it doesn't matter if you break up 2 passes and let a 3rd one rip - they still move the chains.


    I'll be back later with the 2nd half.






  8. While there is no strict definition, " garbage time" is usu thought of as a sudden period of offensive effectiveness after the opponent seemingly has a game well in hand. The thinking is that the Defense has " backed off" in something of a prevent mode and is susceptible to passes in the middle of the field or underneath that will keep the clock running. This can backfire, esp like today when a coach like BB absolutely refuses to run the ball or goes for it on 4th down from midfield. Even if the Bills had won, I think the talk would have been more of how Belichick blew it rather than TT being the next Montana.


    You could stop after the first 6 words. There is no strict definition People call it "garbage time" when you don't come back enough to win and use the term to diminish any offensive accomplishments after the other team has a solid lead.


    If you win, though, well, Hey, then it's a brilliant comeback.

  9. Bad loss, but hey.


    1- Tyrod, with an atrocious 1st half, came back out to play. 2 picks were WR deflections, that both could've been caught by his WR's. Great ball to Sammy. Ran well, avoided hits. Good scramble and pass to Woods.


    2 - Rex Ryan. I know, you're all gonna think I'm crazy, but Rex is one of the major reasons we were still in that game in the end, IMO. The rivalry and smack talk angle was played up so much, I think this had a factor in BB calling so many pass plays at the end. One of those led to the fumble that got us back in the game. He was still brutal in his gameplan today, but this is a positive thread, so get off me.


    3 - Shady ran pretty well both on the ground and after the catch. Made some good plays.


    4 - Sammy flat out burned his defender on the TD. Good play, even if his defender kinda stinks.


    5 - Percy Harvin is appearing to be the favorite target of TT, had some good catches and the vet presence to get OOB.


    6 - Darby was okay. Gronk went off, but he made some plays defensively.


    7 - KW was the best player on our D-line again this week, and it wasn't close. Anytime there was pressure, it was him. Maybe everyone else is doubled, but he made some plays.


    To me, the biggest positive was that they never gave up, they kept fighting.


    Why is this a positive for Brady though? When it's a major negative for everybody else?


    I think the Patriots built up a giant chip, and the crowd noise only helped the size of the chip.


    I need to look at the film, but I think the crowd noise actually hurt Rex's complex deception-based schemes. I think it hindered communication and led to us not being set or barely set on a number of plays.

  11. Complete disaster today.


    Glenn is not the LT of the future.


    Move Glenn to LG. Move Hendersone to LT. Let Koujo play RT. Rotate Miller and Incognito at RG. Replace Wood with a first round draft pick next year.


    While I agree our OL was disappointing today, I don't understand why you think the above changes (except drafting) would result in anything except greater disaster.


    After all moving a tackle to guard worked so well last year. And what about Henderson's play leads you to think he'd be an improvement at LT? Cog has been our best OLman and Miller has been OK for a rookie - why start rotating them?

  12. 1-agree

    2-big, big issue, can it be improved?

    3- ****ty call

    4-I don't get this either, it was obvious early on NE was crowding the line and needed to be backed off. Roman seemed to struggle using his WRs in SF too against better teams.


    6-moral victory not into it

    7-D line just played awful

    8-I thought he played pretty well and got stronger as game went on, the intercepts and sacks were situations where his teammates did not help him out.

    9-Is the gap really closing?

    10- Yes, and special teams were outplayed today.


    11-my own: the coaching was just plain bad today, don't know how else to sell it. From the lack of discipline, to the game plan, to the no plan B was disappointing!


    Yep, this

  13. Garbage time! we were one possession from tying the game.


    I have always wondered what the definition of "garbage time" is. If you win, obviously it's a crazy good comeback? Operationally defined, it seems that garbage time is a big comeback that falls short?

  14. What are you guys smoking?


    Tyrod got sacked 8 times today, threw three picks, and struggled moving the the ball at times




    Taylor is by far the best quarterback the Bills have started since Doug Flutie. If you cant recognize that youre a blind moron. He is mature, composed, has a live arm that can make all the throws, he can hit the deep ball, he has awareness inside and outside of the pocket, he is accurate on the run and he has 4.4 speed that can take the top off a defense if they let him get loose.


    Are you out of your mind?


    Well, Hey!

  15. Hey Lordy Join the band be a rascal and Join the band!


    Of course today's loss sucked, and I am totally irate about how ill-prepared our team seemed, how Ryan and Co seemed outplanned and outcoached, and how adjustments were not made. That said....


    I would just like to express my extra dismay with the seemingly large number of total Bandwagon Chicken Little Fans hanging out in the shoutbox and on TBD generally. Kindly reflect upon the following truths:


    1. winning the first two games would not guarantee us a slot in the Superbowl (or the playoffs)

    2. losing the first two games would not guarantee that we go 4-12 or 8-8

    3. I for one, generally like to look at the all-22 before deciding that a QB looks like a "deer in the headlights" or indecisive or whatever. Were these coverage sacks, misdirection by the D that had him confused, or just indecisiveness? I won't know until I look. I'm glad to know we have so many football geniuses here who can tell from the TV or the heat of the game

    4. Tom Brady had 4 games out of 15 where he threw >2 INTs his first year playing. That's a fact. It seems if this crowd were coaching him, he'd have been escorted out of the building


    My take: R-E-L-A-X. Either this team is legit, and will keep improving and learning, or it's not. But having chicken little hysterics on TBD after 1 bad loss just makes you look like a bandwagon fool of a fan






  16. Can Rex correct it? does he care?


    If he wants to correct it, he freakin well better care.


    We were penalized 14 times for 140 yds. We rushed for 160 yds and gained 11 1st downs rushing.

    You can not be penalized more times than you rush for 1st downs and win. You can not lose almost as many yds to penalties as you gain by rushing, and win.


    Pretty similar analysis of the passing game - 11 1st downs passing, passed for 187 yds. You can't lose almost as many yards to penalty as you gain by passing, and win.

    Seriously? How?


    Serously asking seriously? If we're killing ourselves with personal fouls, and one of the personal fouls is called on the coach, then he's part of what's killing us. QED.

  17. I wonder if alot of this could be attributed to all the pre-season injuries to RB and WR. Guys that should have been practicing ST all summer were playing RB and WR in the pre-season games. Now askign them to jell together without much practice.


    This is a point. IMHO Taylor is not very confident/comfortable/"in sync" with Watkins yet. This may have contributed to 2 of the 3 INTs with Watkins as the intended target. I felt Taylor wasnot very confident exactly what his target window was for Watkins


    The third INT was just plain forcing it.

    I respectfully disagree. It's all about lateral movement and creating passing lanes, as others around the NFL have said. Last time I checked, R Wilson was shorter than TT, and he does it just fine. I hope GRo will get more creative w/ TT to get him moving out of the pocket, throwing w/ designed rollouts, thus taking advantage of his athleticism. As we saw today, he's not a traditional drop back, stay in the pocket QB


    FWIW, seems as though NE did a very good job disrupting RW's passing game and limiting him through most of the SB last year.

  18. Gotta give it up to Rex Ryan. The master motivator was brilliant, getting the team ready to play on Sunday. Unfortunately, the team he got ready was the New England Cheatriots. Next time Rex, how about praying at St. Fu and SHUT THE !@#$ UP?


    You know I disagree with you a lot but I got to give props where they're due and say it: When you're right, YOU'RE RIGHT!

  19. 3- yes Rex brought nothing to the table today.


    Agree that Darby looks to be the Deal


    I would expand on K'zoo Mike's point and say I think Rex's multiple confusing schemes are confusing our D. Over and over one hears the theme, when a coaching change leads to defensive improvement "Coach simplified things from last year and now we just play". I heard that with regard to Schwartz, with regard to Wade Phillips as DC on the Texans, etc. We had crowd noise, the Patriots had a hurry-up offense that made adjustments difficult, and Rex and the D simply weren't adequately prepared for either.

    The pass to watkins was borderline completely uncatchable and the sort of pass that puts receivers out for the season. That pass is ALL on the qb.


    I might agree with you but there were 3 passes to Watkins which resulted in INTs. Which are you talking about?

  20. 2) My prayers go out to Aaron Williams, and it was great to see the team praying for him.


    7) How did it happen? How did Rex Ryan suddenly morph into Dick Jauron? Look, we don't have great coverage linebackers. Bradham is a pass rusher (and a good one), and Brown is a top run stuffer. Putting them in the secondary didn't work. And please remind me why we gave Hughes millions of dollars. Never mind, I remember...because he is a pass rusher!!!!! Today Rex reminded me of Dumbo Jauron sending Schobel out on coverage. We had the crowd noise and should have sent the kitchen sink after Brady!


    14) Bottom line is that Rex has to take control and straighten things out. It looks like he has a lot to work with.


    Bottom line deserves to be up front: Rex has the talent on this team. It's up to him to take control, straighten things out and get it done.


    It's a cliche, but I have to say it: we were outcoached today in all 3 aspects of the game.


    Rex was handed the keys to a top-5 elite defense in the NFL last year. With the exception of McKelvin and Searcy, the D is intact and it looks as though we made some nice pickups in Darby and some other players sich as Nickel Robey who have come on nicely.


    If he can't be successful and build a stout D with this group of players, there is no "front office didn't give me good players" card to play as an excuse.


    Likewise: except for an elite QB (for which his claim to fame is "just give me decent, I can take you to the superbowl with decent), Roman was handed most of the pieces of an offense poised to take a step. Today, it looked as though that step is "backwards"


    I believe I heard a report for AW's father that he has movement in all extremities, so whatever his injury and course of treatment are we will pray for the best prognosis.


    One little consulation: as much as I think Edelman is a little punk, as far as can be told the AW injury was "just one of those things", clean play, both players doing their jobs.

  21. So when do we call out TT for 3 picks?


    You can't call him out for the 3rd pick. It's the last minute of the game and he's trying to make something happen.


    The first two picks were bad, but the Pats were stacking the box and he had to pass somewhere. You can tell he really isn't comfortable throwing to Sammy yet.


    The thing is, good teams recover from their mistakes when the other unit steps up (as the Pats D did after the fumble). Bad teams call each other out.

  22. @AdamSchefter

    Despite being listed as questionable, Bills RB LeSean McCoy will play today vs. Patriots. And word is Buffalo's tailgates are underway.


    Buffalo tailgates start cookin' at 5:30. In other news, sun predicted to rise.


    I had a beautiful dream last night that on 3rd down in the first series, the Cold Front blew through the Patriots OL like a Perfect Storm 50 foot wave breaking on a helpless fishing boat and Brady went down, gasping for breath from shock, under a rush of white clad bodies like the foam on the top of that 50 foot sucker.

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