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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. +1. Continue to build the roster to fit the new systems on both sides of the call and magically the plays that are called work.


    This response (not just from you, Yolo, but from the several that make it) just has me grinding my teeth, because "players that fit the scheme" is such an elusive goal. How often does a team have a rack of players that fit the scheme so when the injury bug bites, the "next man up" runs the same scheme? Answer, they don't, championship teams win because in addition to talented players, they have coaches who are flexible enough to fit the scheme to the players.


    Rex, loudly and repeatedly, "talked the talk" of not being a "scheme" guy and of saying to Whaley "just give me talented football guys and I'll use them" ie that they don't have to fit some particular physical mold. So basically what the above response is saying is that Rex is, in fact, the penultimate "scheme guy" who is unable to utilize supremely talented football players unless they fit his scheme?

  2. yes lets switch coaches again that what the good organizations do. We would have run McCarthy out of town when he went 6-10 for Green Bay but..THEY didn't do it why ? Because they understand it's not a one year deal. Our fans win or your out- back on the merry go round


    Interesting choice of analogy.

    -When Green Bay went 6-10 under McCarthy, it was his 3rd year, and GB had gone 13-3 and 1st in their division the previous year.

    -It wasn't 'cuz of Rodgers instead of Favre, the offense was killing it

    -the D, on the other hand, had slipped from 6th in the NFL to 22nd in the NFL


    So the "sacrificial penguin" in GB was not McCarthy, but Bob Sanders, his DC. Sanders got the axe, Dom Capers came in to replace him, the Pack made the playoffs the following year with a 7th ranked D and won the superbowl 2 years later.


    Point being, with an "underperforming" team, the status quo was NOT maintained in GB, someone's head did roll. However, that was after 3 years.

  3. Sound off merry gentlemen. Who else here is still pissed off at this team a day later. Most Bills defeats go away by the end of Sunday, at least by Monday night, but here it is Tuesday night and I'm still feeling this one.

    Maybe it's because I am getting old and have been a fan over 40 years and it's finally starting to wear thin.


    I would love to be still pissed off a day later because that would mean I still had expectations and excitement about this team. I'm rather ashamed of myself as a fan, but the truth is I rather gave up on the team with what I thought to be very questionable coaching earlier in the season, and at this point I'm singing Pink Floyd: "I.....have become....comfortably numb". I'm not sure when I stopped - I guess when I felt EJ was a scapegoat for some questionable coaching decisions and "soft" defense during the Jax loss in London, that was a "Strike 3" to me. The first Pats game was "Strike 1" and the Giants loss "Strike 2".


    I refuse to admit to "getting old" but I've been a Bills fan since the mid-60s watching with my grandfather. Sh*# that's 50 years. So I've seen some bad bad teams and this isn't the worst by a long shot, but it may be the biggest letdown because I felt with the talent we have and what (on paper) should have been an improved coaching staff, we could really make a move this seasn.


    Anyway, I'm still watching the games but on condensed and coach's film after the fact. I do legitimately have family stuff to do on Sundays, but if I believed, I would work things out and move things around and watch anyway or at least sneak peeks.

  4. Kelly has had way too many passes batted down this season. He has a long throwing motion which is bad. He also throws slightly sidearmed instead of over the top which could be the reason a lot of his passes are getting batted. Plus he plays in a spread offense. He also has some great WRs playing for him that are big including Laquon Treadwell who will be a top 15 pick. He does have a solid arm and is willing to sling the ball around. Plus he's a pretty good athlete. Im not sure if his skills would translate to the NFL. At least not immediately. He would need to be a developmental qb.


    Good points. In addition, having flamed out of Clemson for being an egocentric ass and getting in some problems even while/after being recruited by another football powerhouse, I would personally like to see him show some steadiness and staying power by putting in another solid year where he stays out of trouble.

  5. But as everyone has pointed out he missed four deep balls that at least two of those have to be better throws. They were touchdowns. For the first time this year he was short on all of them which makes me believe the wind was affecting them. He and Brady had trouble throwing more than 20 yards. He also threw about 3-4 atrocious short passes, a couple of which could have been first downs. He's got to look to Sammy more.


    Kelly made the comment to Fitz at one point that he cant throw with an arch at the Ralph in November and December, the ball needs to be thrown more as a rope. Other outdoor northeast stadiums probably similar.


    I had noticed that about Taylor earlier that he throws a pretty arch on his deep balls and thinking "he's going to have to throw lower and straighter to succeed at the Ralph in December." Except because of his lack of height, I'm not sure he can do that.


    I still think the Bills get out thought by Belichek on game plans

  6. Still better than EJ, still the best QB on the roster, but he surely isn't the long term answer at QB.

    I really wanted to believe, but he is another checkdown or scramble guy that can't consistently read the defense and throw down the field.

    It's frustrating.


    We were (to my understanding) supposed to be a ground-n-pound, impose-our-will, throw or scramble enough to keep the D honest type of team.


    NE did a great job in last year's superbowl forcing RW to be a pocket passer and disrupting timing on the throws while stuffing the run. Props to their D.

    They did a great job yesterday keeping contain on the run and keeping Taylor in the pocket. Propst to their D again.


    If you were expecting Taylor to be the 2nd coming of Aaron Rodgers, you should have never believed. I would like to know when in the game he was injured, though.


    All said and done, I will be very disappointed if we don't draft a QB high next year, but that's still only about a 30-50% proposition.

  7. I'm not a big fan of "what If? history, but as a thought exercise the notion sheds light on the two coaches' abilities. Under Belicheck, the Bills would more likely win tonight because they would be disciplined, focused, innovative, responsive and prepared. Under Ryan, the Patriots would more likely choke because they would be distracted by his grandstanding, take stupid penalties and play right into Belicheck's schemes. (The Bills would also be more likely to win with Belicheck because they would cheat.)


    "One Mo Lewis hit away from the unemployment line" -Bart Scott


    Another factor of the Patriots success under BB was the OC




    How the hell is it ESPN's fault the Colts made a report to the NFL, who investigated? Are they upset because someone who is paid to talk about sports had the temerity to actually criticize the anointed ones rather than just showering them with praise?


    Wasn't it ESPN that investigated, wrote, and published the series linking Spygate and Deflategate and otherwise raising the "Elephant in the Room" question of just how far back, how deep, and how much of an advantage was Spygate etc.?


    "Evidently, we do. And it starts Monday with the Pats facing the immortal Tyrod Taylor, Rex Ryan, and the Buffalo Bills in what will certainly be another Patriot celebration of greatness while the “opposition” plays the part of the eternal stooge."


    Gawd, I hope the Patriots are soakin' in all this despite all BB's best "do your job, tune out the press"ness 'cuz last time they started believing their own PR was the last time we spanked them.

    When you run into a smug Pats fan, do what I do: Ask them who their favorite player is, prior to 2000, not named Bledsoe.


    Nine times out of 10, hilarity ensues.


    It's even better if you can name some for them. Hahaha!

  10. the existence of big-time football helps maintain the existence of little kid football, where thousands of minors are getting brain injuries before they're mature enough to make their own decisions.


    I love the game, tailgates, the Ralph crowd, all of it, but I just don't think I can do it any more. So real sincere question - how do you justify it?


    My daughter plays volleyball. Now volleyball is about as non-contact as a team sport can get - the opposing players must stay on opposite sides of the net, and teammates actively try to avoid colliding with or hitting each other. The players wind up contacting the floor a lot as they dive for the ball, but this sort of self-directed self-controlled contact is supposed to be a lower concussion risk.


    Yet every year there are a couple girls who drop from the program because of multiple concussions.


    Same with basketball, soccer, and don't get started on wrestling or boxing.


    I think everyone should support youth sport safety programs like "safesports" and "headsup" football and parents should educate themselves and get their kid out of any programs that don't practice these, but if you're going to stop watching a sport because youth too young to make their own decisions get hurt, sometimes lifelong impact hurt, playing it, I'm not sure which sports are left that you could watch. Ping-pong maybe? Badminton?

    It's the kid issue that is the tough one. I can't imagine letting a kid play football hear days. A million other safer sports where a kid can be tough.


    The school district we live in actually suspended its football program this year due to insufficient participation

  11. I love the guy, in a way, but -- my god -- I've seen this movie before, and I certainly know how it ends. The Jets should switch to Geno now if they have sense. It's not that Geno is good at this point, but he has some skills and talent.


    Aren't we supposed to be happy about the result of this game?


    If the Jets thought Geno was better they'd be playing him

  12. I'm surprised at the outrage and shock when a person who plays an extraordinarily violent sport for a living at a very high level, and has been raised practically from birth to be super aggressive and violent in order to be good at said sport, does something very violent off of the playing field.


    Oh my Ears and Whiskers!


    I think it was Eric Wood who was quoted saying "you can do things on a football field that are severely illegal anywhere else" It *is* part of every youth sports program that i've ever heard of to teach sportsmanship.


    Football players are supposed to learn there's a "switch" and violence on the football field snap-to-whistle doesn't entitle them to be violent off the playing field. If they aren't learning this, their families and coaches from PeeWee football on up are doing them a huge disservice.

  13. I'd swap either one of our DEs for him, and gladly take the windfall cap space that came with it and apply to other positions.


    In a highly fortunate twist of fate, it's beyond your job description to effect this

    Former Bill and commentator Ross Tucker:




    I listen to this guy's podcast. I appreciate the candor in what he's written above.


    Interesting read, Cat, thank you. I've often thought there must be a "paybacks are hell" mentality in the huddle.

  14. He also could be content to wait for a legit contender to come calling near/in the playoffs.


    Ah, yes, the unemployed football player turning down teams that desire his services to wait for that playoff contender to call.

    Does that pass your "common sense" test?

    It still could be season ending. There's no sign of him making much progress. :beer:B-)


    How do you know what progress KW is making in the training room/with rehab every day?

    And why does this thought cause you to smile and drink beer?

  15. That's exactly right. In fact, the other day my girlfriend and I were talking about this type of stuff. She said "I'm pretty sure I can take you out". All I had to say was "well, you do outweigh me". Instant knockout - she was a pool of tears. Didn't have to lay a hand on her.




    How was the couch that night?

    a) I believe in 2nd chances, b) only 2 people know what really happened that night


    I'm for mistakes/2nd chances, but you do realize there were other people in the apartment? A woman and a couple cronies/hangers on of Hardy? So, No on the only two people.

  16. I am pretty sure you wrote this after seeing the title and synopsis of his article on TT. I dont automatically take a pass on his articles, I do read it just to see what he has to say. Most of the times he is wrong. There is little to argue about on his Taylor article today. For all the good that Taylor has done, he appears to be a player of halves. too often, brilliant halves are masked by atrocious ones. I am not ready to buy into him as a long term answer. Just the best we have right now.


    Speaking just for myself, even a busted clock is right twice a day and when I do read Sully opinion pieces I find good points. With regard to Tyrod Taylor,I see a lot of promise, and I see some of the same mistakes we excoriate EJ for...failing to spot open guys, off target throws, rolling out of the pocket when he could step up, the occasional dumb ass pick, taking sacks when he should throw it away. He's young as a player, he's showing promise, but he's far from "mistake free" and I would like to see some continued development before we invest heavily in him as the future of the franchise.


    Even when I find good points in Sully pieces though, the portentious way he makes them and also the way he mixes in totally unsupported opinion just irritates me, which is why I prefer to avoid his stuff. De gustibus non disputandum and all that


    i do the same when i see these threads.




    I just love the taste of irony in the afternoon. :P

  17. Anyone else continuing to get ticked off when Sully says all the stats TT got in the 1st Pat's game was in 'garbage time'??!!


    IMO there is no such thing as 'garbage time' when you're down by one score with 4-5 minutes to go!


    That's my beef with the whole concept of "garbage time". If you're down by a bunch of scores and you come back and win, it's a brilliant come-from-behind victory and no one mentions garbage time. If you come back enough to put a good scare into the opponent coach's undershorts, but you fall short.....then it's either "garbage time" or a comeback that fell short, who makes the call?

  18. wasn't he one of the QB's many people here wanted the Bills to chase after?


    too lazy to search the archives


    Yes. Along with Bradford, Cousins, Glennon, even Manziel....

    Talk about a deal with no winners. I think that Bradford - Foles trade may be historic in its sabotage of both teams.


    It isn't looking good at this point, either way.

  19. But he just wasn't very good. He only started one season and was an average QB with a lively arm. Threw a ton of bad balls and bad decisions. A lot of his completions were on these swing passes they used to run (which he was pretty good on but they were still the equivalent of 5 yard passes). He wasn't a great leader or play great in big games or a very good runner or anything. He just had a cannon of an arm and was 6'8" or whatever.


    Blaine Gabbert 2.0 "Looks the way you want your QB to Look"

  20. Ok Rex....you pretty much kept cool on the Jets game. Great job buddy! Your team was ready and aggressive.


    Now please concentrate on your game prep, film study (watch the Giants v Pats game film and our Week 2 film) and get your team pumped up but play smart.


    No comments about Brady. No Bellicheat comments. Nothing that can be interpreted as "shots fired". Go into this game with a calm, cool and collected confidence and tell Brady to !@#$ off after we win.


    Stay focused Rex and don't play to the media


    The media always shops for controversy and fluffs it up as best they can. I'm not sure how much that matters.


    I do agree that stressing discipline and "doing your job" to the players is important as well as Rex being disciplined himself

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