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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. American Non Sequitor Society: We don’t Make Sense, but we Do Like Pizza If it reminds you of the Eagles game, spend a couple seconds explaining why/justifying the comparison If you think stardom is getting to Josh, make your case for that. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but it has to be more than two apparently unconnected thoughts with no substrate for discussion
  2. Yes. And also, while obviously Allen’s INTs were bad, it points out that the narrative of Josh “panicing” doesn’t match reality.
  3. Sorry late making the thread I set a new speed record muting Colllinsworth 3-7 end of the 1st, pretty good game so far
  4. I think there is a philosophical divide between McDermott and Daboll where McDermott believes we need to have a capable run threat in every game and Daboll looks at a poor or injured defensive secondary and licks his chops and says “that’s what we’ll exploit this game!”. And it’s not working for us
  5. Follow up: @T&C @Muppy I brought it up in the mod’s forum. I also re-opened the threads pending discussion/decision so if you have something you want to go in and discuss, Have At It
  6. Most teams must be dealing with this - so (serious question) what would be the difference that other teams are dealing well, and the Bills might (as you hypothesize) be letting it divide them? I’m not persuaded that’s the problem, though it’s an interesting hypothesis. I think that McDermott and Frazier really don’t have an effective defensive plan for a team with a punishing physical runner behind a top OL AND a QB who can make all the throws, especially when they’re missing 2 starters. And I think Daboll doesn’t have an effective offensive plan for a run game that works with 3 backups playing on an already “Meh” OL. I think the players go into the game not really believing in the plan and Allen goes into the game feeling like it’s all on him. I’ll have to go listen to the presser I suppose, but saying he “supported their decisions” vs. expressing concern for their health makes it sound as though they’re not particularly ill and sounds like an aberration coming from McDermott, who is usually so centered around “people first” Edit: OK, I watched the presser. The context was that he was asked about whether the D missed Star. Said “Respectfully, I’m going to talk about the players that were here” Next question asked about the impact of Brown being out. Said “Respect their decision but I’m going to talk about the guys that were here (or played)”. So in the context of that presser and what he was asked…it wouldn’t have made sense to say he’s concerned for their health and hoping they felt better, because he was asked about how them being out impacted the game today. That said… ….my take is that McDermott is Pissed. The pretty clear implication is that they’re not vaccinated and he’s not a a happy camper about losing them for potentially avoidable reasons.
  7. I just looked it up. It was 3rd and 18 from the Indy 43. Yes, that’s the point - if we could get back 10 or 12 yds we nave a makeable FG.
  8. Tony Dungy called Daboll out: “I have a message for Coach Daboll. You called 8 runs to your running backs today. You can’t win like that”
  9. Please stop. McDermott is not having “assistance doing his duties of pressers”. He is doing pressers. The coordinators are required by the NFL to have media availability once a week. For the Bills, this has been the OC and the DC doing pressers on Monday, as well as McDermott.
  10. This. Let’s give Trubisky the INT at the end, didn’t matter. But the two Allen INTs and the McKenzie fumble led directly to points for the Colts and took away possible points for us. That’s potentially 21 points less for them and more points for us right there. Even if we get no points on those drives, it’s putting it down to 20-15 which is down in the range where a couple missed FG or just one more TD make a difference
  11. The complaint people have raised there is that one giant thread becomes unwieldy and difficult to find individual discussions. So that’s why we went with multiple threads, but the only ones that get locked are the pregame, 1st half, and 2nd half threads because of their time dependent and transient nature. Everything else stays open and anyone can loop back and discuss.
  12. C’mon Man. McDermott is doing the same pressers this season that he did last season. He does a presser and his OC and DC do a presser on Monday. You can talk about how he’s coaching but all this other stuff is baloney
  13. It’s always reasonable to ask questions about why we do things as we do. Sometimes it’s just habit. We can re-open them and see if they’re popular to continue discussion.
  14. We actually do allow new threads during the game, but they have to be legit substantive different threads Not just 12 versions of game day hot takes like “Allen sucks” and “fire McDermott”
  15. So if I’m parsing this correctly, you’re suggesting re-opening the pregame, 1st and 2nd half threads for additional commentary after the game? We could do that if folks want to go back in there and carry on a discussion. Another way to do it would be to start a new thread and link in posts from the GTD to serve as a basis for discussion.
  16. It’s a reasonable ask. To be honest, at this point to me it’s largely tradition. I think at one point we broke them up because if they got too long, the server would slow and hang trying to load the thread, but I don’t think that happens now. Last off season (though it may have been longer) Scott made a thread asking for input on how to do the gameday threads differently/better. The general consensus seemed to be they were fine like they were, so that’s how they stayed. Yeah, I think the original feeling was that if there were points to discuss in depth (vs hot takes during the game) people will break them out into different threads after the game
  17. Actually a bunch of people were complaining. Those who didn’t complain loudly, were hoping that between Ford and Feliciano with an off season to rehab and FA signings Forrest Lamp/Jamil Douglas, then potentially Boettger taking a step, the Bills would identify two capable guards. I wasn’t unhappy when they re-signed Feliciano, but I thought they’d be drafting IOL pretty high
  18. Don’t forget drafting Harrison Phillips and signing Star
  19. It is kind of looking like beating KC was our “Super Bowl” indeed. I will point out, though, that every team has a tipping point where enough starters being out affects them. I think Star and Edmunds on D and 3 backup OLmen on O may be that point for us.
  20. I had that question about the Colts game - I thought it might have been better to pull Johnson and play our 4-3 base. But with Edmunds out it has to be asked if Klein at MLB and Dodson for Johnson would be a talent drop
  21. That’s a really fair take. We have one of the most expensive DL, and at this point have a number of high draft picks invested It has to be said that the ROI is poor. That said….I do wonder how coaching plays a factor. I can’t help noticing that when McDermott and Frazier start talking in pressers about how we “hope we can come up with a plan to limit their big plays” it seems to be a cue that they really don’t have a plan and we’re gonna see a butt-whupping
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