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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. I didn't say it didn't get attention, I said he wasn't "torn apart". You disagree, prove it - find some stuff where he was "shredded" or "torn apart", vs just a couple of Op Eds saying he should "show leadership" "like Mahomes" that died out quietly. Rodger's contention is he had to lie, or be "shredded" by a "woke mob". And yes, Rodgers would have faced scrutiny after testing positive if he'd answered honestly back in August, but I don't see how anyone reasonable could conclude that there weren't several extra layers of furor in the media and on social media when the previous lie was revealed. I'm not missing my point at all. You're trying to shift the argument to the point you want to make. You're entitled to argue whatever point you like, but you're not entitled to re-frame my argument then declare it "wrong" because it isn't addressing the claim you want to argue.
  2. Do tell. In which games has he done this and when?
  3. You do realize there's a lot of space between "totally abandon what got us to the championship game last year" and people saying the Bills need to commit to running the damn ball?
  4. I got to go with some others here and say I disagree with Matt Waldman's take and it WAS a bad decision. Yes, it isn't a crisp break by Davis and he does lose his battle with the CB, but it's going to be a tight throw into double coverage and our D picks those. It wouldn't surprise me if the pick Poyer had in practice was a route like that. It's really not promising, but there is a window where most of the defenders believe Allen is going to go deep, and if he threw it to Knox or ?Singletary? at the top, they both have one guy to beat who is giving them plenty of cushion because he thinks he's unlikely to have to defend them. Knox is sneaky-fast and can run over a guy, and Singletary is shifty and can make a guy miss in the open field. We may not get the first down, but at worst, we gain 10 yds back and kick a field goal then kick off and defend the return, vs. giving the ball to the Colts just short of mid-field. Situational Awareness. You don't give up a chance to score points to risk a 3rd and 18 turnover, not at the start of the game when it's 7-0. Get a FG, make it 7-3. Live to try another drive.
  5. I don't disagree with you that there would be criticism of vaccination status if Josh caught covid and turned out to be unvaccinated, but you're shifting the premise. Rodger's claim is that he HAD to lie to the media back in August because the "woke mob" would have "torn him apart" if he said he wasn't vaccinated or if he refused to answer. The FACT is, that multiple players openly acknowledged being vaccinated OR refused to answer, and they really didn't face much pushback at all for just saying that. Rodgers is making whiny excuses for his lying behavior, which are also inconsistent with his previous statement that he's "above" caring about it.
  6. Complete agreement with that last. I'm speculating here, but I think there are two reasons why Breida has struggled to see the field: 1) Daboll likes to keep the same players on the field and use them differently from snap to snap. I think Breida is not a good blocker and has struggled to master the Bills protection schemes. Well, maybe if we ran more and more effectively, it wouldn't be such a tough snarl to protect in the passing game. 2) On the Bills, ST has an equal say in what players are active. Having lost Bam Johnson, I think Heath Farwell has been banging the table for Kumerow each week. At some point, Frazier needs to suck it up and get the job done without activating 9 DLmen, and Farwell needs to suck it up and get the job done on ST with 6 specialists in addition to 3 dedicated STers.
  7. With respect, I think you're falling prey to "on average, the Duck is Dead" argument. Last year we had several games where we ran more than we passed - NE, Chargers, Denver - and that skews the average. As for last year, "That was Then, This is Now". The Ravens O looked unstoppable with Lamar Jackson in 2019. What happened? A couple teams schemed successfully to slow them down or stop them. In the off-season, other teams sliced and diced their tendencies and dissected what those teams did that worked, and implemented it in their own defensive game plans. Whenever a team has a known gap in their offense, it helps the opposing defense because they don't have to defend it and can key off on other aspects. That's what's happening to the Bills. It's not the overall number of rush attempts, it's also the success (or lack thereof) when we try. No one is afraid that the Bills might hand the ball off and take it to the house on 3rd and 18 or even 3rd and 8. They know we're going to pass, so they blanket the field and overload one or another side of the OL while only rushing 4. They'd be a sitting duck for a run play to the empty side, but they're not worried. I predict if we don't get to the playoffs, or don't get anywhere in the playoffs, we're going to hear an end-of-season presser where Beane acknowledges that we were cash-strapped, but he could have and should have done more on OL. I think you're missing the point. One reason the Chiefs were able to key off on our passing game was because they had no reason to fear or respect the run. And yes, people did come out of the playoffs last year pointing out opposing defenses just don't respect our run game and it's a problem. Our coaches in end of season pressers said it's a problem. What appears to have been incorrect was Beane's idea that in bringing in Breida and two FA IOLmen who had shown some ability when they played, plus a commitment to improving the run on the part of our offensive staff, he had done enough.
  8. Dawkins didn't get an extension because he's a backup pretending to be a starter. Williams didn't get a new contract because he can't play. Morse is an excellent run blocker in a pin and pull scheme. Why Dawkins and Wiliams aren't playing up to their level of last season is a different question, but they're not "just backups pretending to be starters"
  9. It pains me to agree with you, but you're right. I'm not Einstein, but even I can tell that's a fallacious argument. You don't try to force a square block into a round hole, such as trying to run outside zone from shotgun with Motor and Moss when they lack the speed to get to the edge, or predominantly running when Josh is under center so teams key off it). You look for square pegs for your square holes, such as activating and utilizing Breida who does have the speed to get there. And you look for round holes for your round pegs, such as executing pass plays using play-action and passing from under center so the defense can't key on the run, then running between the tackles using a run-blocking scheme our OL was able to execute in 2019 such as pin and pull blocking with a HB as a lead blocker. When you have people like myself who are just trying to learn the details about different run blocking schemes and we can see that, our offensive coaching staff really should be able to see that. And even if you dismiss all the above as baloney, smarter football minds than mine have made the case as to why some successful teams keep running *even when it isn't working*: they need to force defenses to keep defending the run. What the Bills are facing is "you can't and won't run and we know you can't or won't run, so we don't need to bother trying to defend it and can key off on the pass instead".
  10. What argument am I making? I'm simply stating what I observe as a tendency of Josh's. And if I observe it, I'm sure opposing DCs also observe it. I don't think it's "impatience", it's an ingrained trait at this point going back to college when he literally didn't have players he could rely on to convert, it was either run it past the sticks himself, throw past the sticks, or fahgetaboutit. I've commented on this before: Josh will literally overlook a safe short throw to a wide open player who has enough green field around him to plant a ***** Christmas tree farm and harvest a tree before a defender gets there. Why is this the case? Because defenses KNOW that's a gap in Josh's game, so they put the defense elsewhere, where they hinder the throws Josh will actually try to make. Josh is going to have to consciously work to alter this pattern, and I'm sure his coaches and he are working on it. For the record, I agree with you that even if we failed to convert, if we even get 15 or even 10 yds so we're back in FG range then kick off, we're in a better position than if Josh throws a pick (which some have fallaciously claimed was as good as a punt, but it wasn't a punting down yet). Situational football; points better than no points.
  11. Just a point that if we move on too quickly from a draft pick and they flourish elsewhere, then a GM faces justifiable criticism for "the one that got away". Beane's assessment was that Cody Ford had been hampered by injuries and would "get right" in the off season and flourish. His assessment was wrong, but in fairness, there's guesswork in projecting how an injured player will develop. I think the evaluation on Singletary and Moss was that they could play if we could run between the tackles, and he added Breida to give us outside speed. So the misevaluation at RB is linked to the misevaluation at OL, plus the choices to keep Breida inactive and to stubbornly persist in playing so much from the shotgun when we can't run from the shotgun, and predominantly running when we play under center.
  12. I wouldn't say that. But good teams win the games they're supposed to win, and this is a game that should fall into that category.
  13. So he had a receiver with less coverage who was past the line of gain? It's been an issue with Josh where he won't take a wide-open throw to a guy who is short of the sticks, even if the coverage is so off that there seems to be a reasonable chance the guy could convert.
  14. LOL "because he thinks for himself". No, because he lied to the media and fans, then made excuses about how he "had" to do so out of fear for being "cancelled" Know what happened when Josh Allen said he was going to keep medical information private and team conversations in house? -------> Nothing Know what happened when Joe Flacco said "I'm not vaccinated, I have reasons, and I'm not going to discuss them to avoid creating controversy"? ----> Nothing Know what happened when Jordan Poyer said "I'm not going to answer questions about vaccination, If you have football questions I'll be happy to discuss them"? ----> Nothing. No whines, no pandering from them. Complete respect from media and fans. Oh, probably someone wrote a critical op-ed or a couple negative tweets, but that happens to everyone about everything now a days. The fact is, no mob bearing pitchforks appeared to shred these guys. A week before the vaccine stuff broke, Rodgers was on McAffee's show holding forth about how he is "above" "woke mobs" who will "cancel" anyone who disagrees with any aspect of their belief. Next week, he's on the show whining about how he had to pander to those same "woke mobs" (that he said he was above) because they would shred him as an excuse for lying to the press about his vaccination status. Pick one, Rodgers: either you're "above them" and don't care, or you live in fear of the media and pander to them in your behavior, then whine about it.
  15. We do, but contrary to sometimes-expressed belief, we don't just throw people off the board at the first or even second or third infraction. I probably should have shut down the thread but by the time I got here it actually contained some football conversation and, well, Hey, it's Thanksgiving. You can set him on your Ignore list, and probably should if you feel that way about it. Instructions above. With the new, improved, downgraded version of Gamepass I can't go back and find that specific play easily. Where were the other receivers located? There may have been a touch of "arm arrogance" involved. Often Josh can get that ball in there before the safety arrives.
  16. During the Tennessee game, I questioned the decision to stay in nickel. I thought the guys were wearing down and bringing in Coach Klein for Johnson might have been a breather and hey, give it a try. But when I looked at the film and the box score, we only gave up one long run to Henry and contained him pretty well otherwise; the problem was giving up all the passes. In the Colts game though, as far as I can tell it was the DL that was the problem. But Edmunds was out, so going to 4-3 would have meant seating Johnson for Dodson. Might have been worth it just to try to get them to pick on Dodson in the passing game and give them a breather from defending the run.
  17. That NO shopper was cool "no, I'm not a Saints fan, and Don't grab my shoulders" with a little move to shake the guy off. Can he play RB? The look on his face when the Bills fan said "I'll tell you who's gonna beat those Saints. Ay ay ay ay!" and the way it changed when the whole street echoed it back
  18. Yes. Hover over their avatar. A menu should pop up. Choose "ignore" You can also do this through your username, hover over it, menu will appear, choose "ignored users" and type in the username you want to ignore. You can select whether to ignore posts, PMs, or shouts On a mobile device, click on the 3 bars at the top R, then "my account" then select "ignored users" There are probably other ways to get there on a mobile device but I haven't figured them out yet.
  19. What message would this be? "Make a mistake and you'll be slung into outer space without hope of redemption"? Yeah, that's not the kind of message McDermott wants to be sending. It's currently #6 in the league. There's also the point that he's had a lot of return yards cancelled by penalties.
  20. Butler suffers from the same problem - his best fit seems to be 3TDT like Oliver, and he pouted big time (Ha! I slay myself!) when asked to take on the 1TDT role after Star opted out. The Bills eventually seemed to handle the 1T last year by handing it out like broccoli: "Be good and eat 15 snaps at broccoli Oliver/Butler/Phillips, and we'll let you have 10 snaps at Chocolate sundaes" He's been mostly playing 3T this season with Phillips or Zimmer and Star at 1T. More I believe Was it Doug Marrone who said "Never Confuse Effort with Results"?
  21. Dude. You're mixing up your Palmers Carson: long time NFL QB for the Bengals and Cardinals (with a Raiders drive by) Jordan: Josh Allen's QB coach Video and people discussing what was said: Talking about Carson You: Talking about Jordan
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