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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Remember around the time it was announced that Rex was going to give Richie another chance?


    A video was floating around of a drunken Incognito going insane in a billiards bar in Miami, I believe.


    I want THAT Richie for the game tonight. The guy was like an unstoppable hell beast, and we are going to need it.


    Can someone please slip him a liter or 2 of firewater before the game?


    No. Because that's the guy who led to Martz on the Rams yelling "what the f**k is wrong with that f**ker?" after multiple personal foul penalties.


    That's the point of Dunne's article, you want an unstoppable hell beast, but only from whistle to whistle.

  2. I think a lot of angst comes from witnessing the patriots sunday night and coming to the realization that they are just a well oiled football program, and they will be just fine after brady is gone. That is who the bills need to strive for. Rex is the opposite of belichick in almost every way. I dont see whaley, brandon, or pegula getting us there. The bills will likely never get to belichick level... but why cant they get to the ravens, broncos, cardinals, seahawks level? Those are all teams who have bottomed out lower than buffalo in somewhat recent history. At least then its a fair fight.


    How can the bills ever see a home playoff game if they struggle getting the plays in on time?


    Yes, this is pretty much it. Watching the Bills and hearing all the "reasons" excusing failure (IR'd players, suspended players, injuries limited preseason, maybe 'Cog and Watkins still injured, etc etc) and seeing all the same 'ol same 'ol of undisciplined play, penalties that were acknowledged as needing to be fixed last season, hearing about plays late coming in, seeing ineffective use of our best players on offense for whatever reason and their ineffective play as blockers.


    Then watching the Patriots and seeing them just keep on trucking, injuries suspensions and all. Taking care of business. Then seeing teams who were worse recently and are now turned around.

  3. I want them to do well as I want all our players/coaches to do well. I think I especially want the Ryans to do well because I know they are probably struggling with grief and I'm certain they want to make their old man proud in heaven. But yes, the hate around here does get old. I don't mind poking fun when we lose but I really do want to see our coaches and players succeed


    What always puzzles me here (it probably shouldn't, given political coverage) is the absolutism. One is either a "fan boy" or a "hater". One evidently can not be a fan who sees problems that need fixing.


    I think very few people actually hate the Ryans and everyone here WANTS them and the Bills to succeed (well, maybe 1 or 2 don't). Some of us just can't let go of our analytical minds so we see see gaps, sometimes big glaring gaps, between the properties of successful coaches and teams, and the behavior the Bills and the Ryans are displaying.


    It's like any successful athlete, to succeed they need a high degree of confidence and belief in themselves, but also a very realistic and sometimes harsh self-assessment of gaps and faults. That doesn't make them a "self-hater"

  4. 0-2 = 12% chance to make the playoffs combined with the fact it is 2 conference losses plus the brutal schedule.


    What will you do?


    What makes (me, won't speak for anyone else) a "hapless Bills fan" is loyalty. I won't change teams in the AFC. I am still a Bills fan, and I will root for my team, even as some roiling brew of disgust, despair, and hopelessness fill my heart. I will, however, possibly stop watching real-time Bills games (which require considerable effort to view in the midwest without sunday ticket and without risk of trojans and viruses). I have not been to a live Bills game in years, due to limited vacation/travel time and no family left alive in the B'lo area.


    adjective: hapless
    (especially of a person) unfortunate.
    "if you're one of the many hapless car buyers who've been shafted"

    synonyms: unfortunate, unlucky, luckless, out of luck, ill-starred, ill-fated, jinxed, cursed, doomed;

    informaldown on one's luck;
    "the hapless victims of Bills fandom"

    Hate to say it, but Jimmy G looked like an All-Pro in comparison.


    Yes. Watching the Pats-Cards game, QB'd by a 2014 2nd round pick, with 2 backup OLmen, is what "broke" me. Chris Hogan caught 3 passes for 60 yards, fer chrissake.


    My guess is that coming into the Baltimore game, the Bills coaching staff was very optimistic about winning that game and purposefully took their foot off the gas pedal before that game even started.
    I say that because Tyrod has a history of liking to go for the homerun play. And he just didn’t do that. He looked to me like a guy who had been told not to get too carried away in this game.
    I envision him having a conversation with the coaches leading up to that game that goes something like this –coaches “Listen Tyrod, this game is very winnable. If we just play a smart, conservative game, we are going to come out of there with a win. Take whatever the defense gives you. We know they will have a strong pass rush. In this game we want to just get the ball out of your hands and keep it moving even if it means a lot of check downs to the safe receiver. As long as we don’t turn the ball over, we will win this game. We know there is already a lot of pressure on you going back to your previous team on their turf. You don’t need to win this game for us by yourself. Let some of our other players share that burden in this game.”
    Of course, the conversation I just pictured is a fictitious one. But I wonder how close to truth it was coming into that game. I can totally see the Bills coming into that game with the attitude that it isn’t going to take a lot of scoring to win that game and therefore they intended to play conservatively right from the start.



    Even if you are right, then at halftime when no offense at all is taking place, you have to have a different conversation.

  6. Lesson 2: Cut your freaking hair or get rid of that wig or whatever's going on with his head.


    He'll be faster and also greatly reduce his center of gravity.


    Actually, I thought there was a study where some players got haircuts and lost speed and agility. But I can't find it.


    there is the Biblical thing


    5 catches on 9 targets for 19 yards is schooled?


    Wish Duke Williams had been schooled like that.

  7. LOL. Share the road with bicycles? They want the whole thing and don't obey the rules. They don't call them the spandex mafia for nothing.


    Some don't, some do, just like car drivers. And many car drivers, faced with a bike or bikes singled-up to the side to allow passing, will behave very aggressively and dangerously to them. But that's probably a story for another place.

  8. Yea and Pete Carroll was twice an NFL failure until he got another shot. Belichick was a terrible head coach until he got a second chance. Say what you will about McDaniels but he knows how to run a passing attack in the current NFL climate.


    When it comes to Josh McDaniels, "No" is what I like to say.


    Read Nate Turner's book "Slow Getting Up" about the changes McDaniels put in place when he took over in Denver. "No".

  9. Before Henderson got suspended it was reported that Henderson never heard from any member of the Bills coaching staff or management during his bout with Colitis. Now we hear Rex Ryan say he hasn't spoken with Watkins since the game Sunday. Didn't they fly back to Buffalo on the same plane? If you were the head coach would you not pick up the phone and call your star receiver to see how he feels? What am I missing?


    OK, first off, I think you're to some extent dealing with Convenient Lack of Communication. Rex uses "I haven't spoken to..." as an "out" when he doesn't want to comment. It may be literally true, but I'm betting that doesn't mean he isn't in the loop.


    I also have a feeling that Rex is pretty well "hands off" on the offense. "Don't ask, don't tell" seems to be his MO. Which is great if Roman is "all that and a bag of chips" but sometimes guys who aren't HC need some checks-and-balances, like Kevin Gilbride reportedly being told by Couglin that he needed to mix up his play calling more and call more running plays during the Giants superbowl years.


    Someone needs to give TT and G-Ro the strong message "Any Play where you Don't Look at Watkins and Woods is a Bad Play"


    That's a lot of time and effort and illegality. I'll pass. And they don't bother me because they stay where the belong unlike bicyclists.


    You are talking about "on the road" as where bicyclists belong, right? (Share the Road. It's the Law).

    I want you to go kill all the goffers.


    Who the heck are "goffers" and why do you want them kilt?

    Why pick on Goff from last night when you can pick on Blaine Gabbert?


    The amount of mediocre QB talent playing in this league is mind blowing.


    This is Exhibit A of why, providing he doesn't melt down as v. Jax, EJ will get an offer somewhere.

  11. Cover 1 guy did a pretty good recap of the 3rd downs if you have the time (Love his website BTW). http://www.cover1.net/2016/09/plenty-of-blame/


    Tyrod will get the lions share of the blame (as he should, he was awful) however there were protection breakdowns all over the place, and confusion. Roman's gotta get plays in faster - we have a young qb who needs pre-snap motion and line adjustments to be successful. Blitz pick-ups on third down shouldn't be this big of an issue.


    I've heard people say on the first Woods/Watkins open play, we don't know what the play design was.


    Jaegermonsters say, "Any Plan where you Lose Your Hat is a Bad Plan"

    I say "Any Play where Taylor doesn't look for Watkins and Wood is a Bad Play"

    I really think the "have enough game film now" thing is overblown


    DC's are not stupid.....they had enough game tape on TT after say game 3 of his first year starting. IF that was the case they would have accomplished that in year 1.


    What part of "took what they knew about him from 4 years of scout team" did you miss? No one is saying DCs are stupid. But the Ravens D has way more experience playing against Tyrod than most - every freakin' week for 4 years.

  12. I am trying to figure out why fans cannot put two and two together


    Tyrod....NO playing time in the pre season


    Watkins......No playing time in the pre season


    Glenn and Cog....hardly any playing time in the pre season


    For the most part hardly ANY of the starters in the pre season got any playing time....they decided healthy was more important....and they did not look game ready


    Is it that hard to figure out? The O will get better the more they play and biuld the chemistry


    I am "hopeful" you're right, but this still leaves me PO'd at Rex for going to the opposite extreme of last year and not giving them enough playing time to get ready.

    It also speaks very, very ill of our depth on OL and/or their coaching if the deal was injury recovery for Cog and Glenn and not wanting Tyrod to get hurt behind backups.


    I also think there's a very high probability there's more to it than rust: I think Pees and Harbaugh took what they knew from 4 years of Tyrod scout team, combed through last year's game film, and wrote a book on how to neutralize him. That is another 2 + 2 scenario.

  13. That was a terrible performance. It was just one game but it was the opening game. He should have been at his best and that was perhaps his worst performance. You can blame it on the Baltimore D, but they weren't that good last year and probably won't be as good as they looked against us. They had a plan and he never adjusted. I suspect Roman is partly to blame as well, but it was certainly one of the worst performances by a Buffalo QB and offense in quite awhile.


    This part puzzles me. Why do you think so? Rex gave the starting OL, Sammy, and Tyrod very few pregame snaps - in fact, did he give them any? So going in, I was concerned he'd outsmarted himself by taking the "they're all vets, I'm not gonna risk injuries" approach. Essentially, this was their preseason Game 2 or 3, the first time since last year that they all took a snap against players not on their team, and they looked like it.


    The Ravens D may not be that good or they may have improved since last year, time will tell. Parity and the "any given Sunday" mean that when a D prepares well and is very familiar with their opponent, they can perform well above their mean. And they aren't that familiar with us, but they certainly were very familiar with Tyrod. It wouldn't surprise me if it came out they were able to key off something in his snap count that he doesn't even know he's doing, or the like.

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