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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. If they were vaccinated and asymptomatic, as I understand it they wouldn't go on the covid-19 list because we wouldn't be testing them. So either they self-reported symptoms, or they aren't vaccinated, and we're running out of unvaccinated players to meet Beane's 91% vaxxed (plus, guys at the bottom of the roster like Hart and Love pretty much all got vaxxed) If they're vaccinated, they can return as soon as they meet the new criteria, which are too convoluted for me to parse.
  2. I suppose we don't, but I have no reason to believe Beane would lie about the Bills being 91% vaccinated, which would be 6 players. So we're kind of running out of unvaccinated players. Hart in particular has switched back and forth and played for different teams in a short period, while unvaccinated players must undergo a 5 day onboarding process.
  3. What TF is the point of this? Random testing for an airbourne contagious disease?
  4. My Magic 8 Ball says "unlikely to be the case"
  5. So....I guess we don't have to worry about whether they'll start Bobby Hart According to my understanding, these guys must have had symptoms, because the NFL is no longer testing vaccinated players at all unless they have symptoms
  6. That was a pretty pass, but is it just me....other QB passes seem to hang up in the air 4EVah these days NoNoNo. You missed your cue. "This thread must have arisen Fromm off-season boredom"
  7. But they'll have Antonio Brown! https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/12/20/antonio-brown-return-tampa-bay-next-week
  8. He wasn't in Brady's face. Brady jogged all the way over to the sideline to get in his face and tell him to go ***** himself.
  9. What did the Saints coach do? I couldn't tell The tablet smash was a classic though. I only wish we'd been able to drive him to it LAST Sunday
  10. Peter King FMIA column https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/12/20/nfl-omicron-playoffs-week-15-fmia-peter-king/ Of course, not testing regularly guarantees that knowledge of whether or not Omicron is being transmitted in practice or in games will be limited; unless the players self-report symptoms and get tested, we won't know whether or not they're sick. And I'm not quite sure why that exec is so sanguine that a competitive guy who wants to be out there for his team is going to self-report symptoms, especially if they're the sort of symptoms that could be caused by an allergy or "just something I ate". That's basically where we are. We have beliefs that Omicron is milder, but not a lot of data from our own populations as yet. If they're right, they may keep the games on schedule at little cost to player, coach, and safety health and safety. If they're wrong, see above.
  11. I could be wrong, but I think they're only allowing at-risk players to "opt out". Not sure the details of how "at risk" is defined
  12. I don't think unvaccinated players are being more pressured than they already are. Maybe I'm missing something. It's definitely about putting a product on the field, albeit players with symptoms will still be tested and potentially removed. But players are now, practically speaking, incentivized to conceal their symptoms. Florio take: https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/dr-allen-sills-e2-80-9czero-indication-e2-80-9d-that-covid-transmits-in-practices-or-games/ar-AARZGXr
  13. I Can't Even fathom that comparison. The mind boggles.
  14. They could, actually, but they've made a calculated decision that they're chosing not to. There's some math around the number of serious cases you get from a virus that is more contagious but has lower incidence of severe disease
  15. I believe that is correct. At this point, it makes little sense to me - IF the goal is to control Covid. What the NFL has pivoted towards doing is clearly, getting in the games.
  16. The NFL seems to believe that vaccinated, asymptomatic players aren't transmitting the virus inside the facility where everyone is required to be masked at all times now, nor are recovering players with PCR Ct >35. They aren't providing their data to the public, so the rest of us have no clue how grounded in factual data these beliefs may be. Maybe they're sharing their data with the players or the NFLPA, don't know. The key bit seems to be they think masks, masks everywhere will prevent intra-facility transmission and that in-game transmission won't occur. But masks are only as good as 1) the quality of the mask and 2) the conscientiousness with which it's worn (which from what I've seen in NFL photos, is Not Good) Please don't mistake me explaining what I think their underlying beliefs are with supporting this. "You can not fight what you can not see", and without testing, they can't see what's going on. IMHO they should be testing everyone, every day. I think that was a key part of what made it work last season.
  17. That was the stated goal originally The current policy appears to be slated towards maximizing player availability The idea seems to be that they're back to having everybody mask and stay socially distant in the facility and that, combined with high vaccination rates, will reduce transmission and that transmission during games will still be low. I don't know what evidence the NFL actually has on any of these points or what data they have that supports Ct >35 being treated as a negative test (they say they have data that shows it correlates with lack of infectiousness) "Toldja So" would be my guess. To which I must respond, "Yes. Yes, Cole, You Did. And if you had a t-shirt that said "Cole was right" (about the NFL's priorities specifically), I would wear it.
  18. This holiday, if you have a little extra, consider giving unto others Food banks can stretch your donation by buying wholesale but Some foodbanks require proof of eligibility (some don't), so neighborhood pantries which operate on a "take if you need, give if you can" basis have their place One thing we did at Thanksgiving is to buy and prepare several "meal bags" to put into local community-run "Pantry Boxes" A gallon ziplock bag holds: 8 oz can of ham or chicken breast 1 can green beans 1 can corn 1-2 packets instant Sweet Potatoes 1 packet instant Mashed Potatoes Something sweet - Chocolate bar, Payday, Wrapped peppermint candies, whatever you have The whole thing cost $5-$6 and would feed 2-4 people with no leftovers, depending on appetite My neighbor suggests, throw in a can opener from the Dollar Store We'll be doing this again this week Normally, very popular items around here include packets of instant mashed potatoes and small cans of Vienna sausages (food that can be prepared with hot tap water and doesn't require special storage - Aldi) - individual servings of veg (Walmart) or fruit (Dollar Tree), and pop tarts or snack bars. If you have food box pantries in your neighborhood, what are the favorite items there?
  19. Why does this not surprise me? Mr. Hyde one of the best athletes on the team. There was video of Reid Ferguson punting. He wasn't bad.
  20. Listen up! We all know people get their asses chewed and survive. We all ought to know that doesn't mean getting all up in someone's grill and screaming is the only effective way to communicate a "course correction" It's not that adults can't get their ass chewed; it's that it's not the only or necessarily the best way. That is all.
  21. Well at least you wrapped it. That puts you ahead of a significant # of young men. But yeah, agree. IME a lot of early-20s young men are hella immature Most of them settle down and grow up significantly by their mid to late 20s. A few into their 30s.
  22. This. Remember Josh Allen getting flagged for "taunting", I think it was the San Francisco game? McDermott walked up and said "I just came over to tell you, you get another one and you're out of here". Allen said "Yessir". McD walked off. Sometimes the calm voice is heard best. What evidence do you have that Dawkins can play LG?
  23. Yikes. I wonder how many players are using these services, thinking they're doing a great thing and not realizing they're helping the Prolanthropy managers get fat.
  24. Saints 6 TB 0 in the 2nd
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