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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. Because they continue to test positive (different than being contagious).
  2. FDA also grants Merck pill Molnupiravir emergency use authorization https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-authorizes-additional-oral-antiviral-treatment-covid-19-certain
  3. BIG NEWS https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-authorizes-first-oral-antiviral-treatment-covid-19 https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-pfizer-medication-f5f65e7e61d6aa9c7dfa193053e8878a?fbclid=IwAR3Zxzm5fFdLqWfpiodmI0mMDFUAXWrf83q3JzM_llCrR7O9gsX1t6iO3kM Pfizer's drug Paxaloid has received emergency use authorization from the FDA. This is a pill - no injection, infusion etc On Dec 16, it was approved for use in EU member states, although full review is still underway: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-regulator-says-pfizers-anti-covid-pill-can-be-used-by-member-states-2021-12-16/ This was expected after Pfizer released data from its clinical trial https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/pfizer-says-covid-19-pill-near-90-effective-final-analysis-2021-12-14/ I'll put up some stuff about the mechanism first, but long story short, unlike monoclonal antibody treatments which target spike protein regions that may mutate to maintain infectivity, this medication should not be affected by viral mutations as it targets the "business" part of an essential viral enzyme.
  4. https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-injury-updates-latest-league-news-from-thursday-dec-23
  5. Who is John Andersen and why are we concerned about what he says?
  6. Lotulelei listed as DNP due to "Personal" 🤐 Worried about Micah Hyde's back. We need Dr Poyer and Mr Hyde.
  7. Probowl comment. Someone feeling snubbed - As Well He Should
  8. Is he married? IIRC, Jordan Matthews famously credited being traded to Buffalo for becoming a father: "Nothing to Do but Each Other"
  9. Feliciano's twitter on Tues Dec 21 referenced him leaving his hotel room to go get a 90 minute antibody infusion So if he was in the hospital, it wasn't for very long.
  10. If your post disappeared from here, it's because at member request, we're trying to break out "NEWS" and "DISCUSSION" Go look at the DISCUSSION THREAD. To reply to posts in this thread Click on the date/time in the top left of the post you want to reply to. It will give you a link (or use the "share" "copy link" choice on a mobile device) Go to the DISCUSSION thread, hit "reply", click on the paper clip, paste your link, and discuss to your heart's content. My $0.02 is that the majority of folks aren't enthused about this idea But then the majority of folks aren't enthused when the News of the week becomes un-findable because it's swallowed by banter and chit chat so 🤷‍♂️
  11. If your post showed up over here, it's because at member request, we're trying to break out "NEWS" and "DISCUSSION" Click on the date/time in the top left of the post you want to reply to. It will give you a link (or use the "share" "copy link" choice on a mobile device) Go to the DISCUSSION thread, hit "reply", click on the paper clip, paste your link, and discuss to your heart's content. My $0.02 is that the majority of folks aren't enthused about this idea But then the majority of folks aren't enthused when the News of the week becomes un-findable because it's swallowed by banter and chit chat so 🤷‍♂️
  12. I think this is relevant to the football discussion. Yes, obesity is a significant risk factor for a poor Covid-19 outcome, and most football linemen (certainly OL and DT, sometimes TE) are obese by BMI. No, there is one adult dose of vaccine. Doing anything else complicates the logistics of a clinical trial rather formidably. You would basically have to run 3+ clinical trials to ensure that side effects remained low in the high BMI/high dose group while effectiveness remained high in the low mass/low dose group. But the data are examined to see if there is evidence of decreased effectiveness in high BMI individuals or increased side effects in low mass adults. The more significant factor is individual variation in immune system, which is huge. Some people just don't mount much of an immune response. With some (limited target population) vaccines, Ab response has actually been measured and extra doses given if none was observed. It was found that for a normal 2 dose vaccine, some people take 3-5 doses to seroconvert (show antibodies). My guess is that Dawkins would fall into the latter group.
  13. Full immunity can actually take longer than 2 weeks after the 2nd shot to develop. The "2 weeks" is an average representing a "typical" response. We used to say "takes 6-8 weeks to build full immunity if you tell your immune system to hurry, and 6-8 weeks if you don't". The piece you're missing is that if Dawkins got symptoms 10 days after his second shot, that means he was exposed/infected some time earlier. Typical for Delta was 4-5 days, range of 2-14 days. So Dawkins could have been exposed and started incubating covid right around the time he got his 2nd shot or shortly thereafter. No, Dawkins didn't have a weird vaccine reaction. The vaccine can not cause you to test positive for Covid. He tested positive. He had Covid.
  14. Yes, you're correct. Brown was the Swing coming out of training camp.
  15. All kinds of stuff getting mixed together here. From the CDC: "The Omicron variant likely will spread more easily than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus and how easily Omicron spreads compared to Delta remains unknown. CDC expects that anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms." That's explicitly not the assumption the NFL is working on. They are working on the assumption that vaccinated, asymptomatic players are NOT contagious and will not spread Omicron, especially given adherence to the NFL's "enhanced protocols" with masks, socially distanced eating, virtual meetings etc. Here's the transcript of Dr Allen Sills (NFL Chief Medical Officer) media briefing on Dec 16. It's pretty interesting. Emphasis (bolding) mine. https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/health-and-wellness/covid-19/media-briefing-transcript-dr-allen-sills-covid-19-updates-at-special-league-meet I thought this was pretty illuminating about why the NFL made the choices it made, especially since I was one of those saying "if you're going to test, test EVERYONE"
  16. Feliciano posted on Social Media that he left his hotel room Tues am (12/21) to take a 90 minute antibody infusion, came back, took a nap, and then felt pretty good and "hopefully it can stay like this" Has he posted somewhere or has someone else posted, about him getting worse and going back to hospital to be admitted? 'cuz that's the last he's said about himself He's been tweeting and re-tweeting all kinds of schtuff, so he feels good enough to be reading and propegating it.
  17. Beasley, Klein, Doyle, Lotulelei believed to be unvaccinated Feliciano, Dawkins, Dodson say they're vaccinated Hart has switched teams and played on a timeline not allowed for a vaccinated player, so presumed vaccinated. Ditto Fromm. Trubisky and Kumerow returned in less then 10 days, so presumably vaccinated Love and Gentry unknown (but we think the practice squad guys are likely to be vaccinated in case they get cut and need a new team) So that's 4 unvaccinated 3 known vaccinated 3 presumed vaccinated (by timeline) 2 unknown I think most people are honest and trustworthy - might tell "white lies" or fib about why they're late to work) Rodgers lied to the press but was honest with the NFL and the team. Yeah, you have cheaters like AB and his two buds. AB has been totes cray-cray for a long time. The 3 of them make up 4% of the team.
  18. Whisky Tango Foxtrot? Diggs I can see. Dawkins? This has been an off year for him. Dr Poyer and Mr Hyde are absolute snubs IMHO. Especially Dr. Poyer.
  19. Frankly, Josh has seemed more reluctant to throw to Beasley this season as though he's not as confident that he and Bease see the defense the same way. And he seems to have even lower confidence with Sanders.
  20. That's unfortunately been my conclusion. In theory, he should be an upgrade to Davis and to Brown. But in practice, there have been too many times where he's only caught half the balls thrown his way, or less - 5 games out of 13, to be specific, where he got 4 or more targets and caught 0 to half of the balls thrown his way. Some were overthrows or throw aways, but some were drops of balls he should have caught, or situations where he just didn't seem to be where Josh expected him to be, when Josh expected him to be there. And then there are other situations where he could have laid out or gone up for a ball, and didn't. Then don't get me started on his blocking. It started out pretty good, but it's gone downhill as the season has worn on.
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