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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. I suspect no writing in this thread is concerned what he is like as a human being, we’re talking about how he plays on the football field
  2. This can not be denied C’mon man, she’s a kid. Now if Judon gets his lunch money stolen….
  3. Yeah, I see it differently. It’s OK ? When was Allen sacked in this game?
  4. I’ll probably have to watch the game again in a few days to have a fair take. It certainly wasn’t the major job we’ve seen in some other games
  5. Other things being equal I agree with you But We’re going to need to find cap space from somewhere FIFY. Maybe people could have discussions if the people they were trying to discuss with spent less time complaining about “cancel culture” and more time starting from actual facts
  6. That was never the lineup. The lineup was Brown-Ike-Morse-Bates-Williams after Ike was injured and went out, then it was Dawkins-Bates-Morse-Williams-Brown Personally that lineup looked promising and I’d rather like to see more of it even after Feliciano and Ford return. Josh attributed the play to them liking the Christmas gifts they got him
  7. Josh “joshed” in his interview that he thought his OL liked the Christmas presents he got them and they played a little harder. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/josh-allen-knew-we-needed-points So….what did they get? Jon Feliciano joked when Josh signed his contract that he expected better Christmas presents, but Josh has been pretty “big” with his gifts to the “Bigs” since his rookie season.
  8. On the surface, that sounds like a hella bad take. Lotulelei skipped an entire season. Beasley broke a leg and didn’t miss a game. Lotulelei has missed multiple games with multiple injuries as well as Covid. Beasley has played through a rib injury.
  9. Factually, McKenzie has been playing with the exception of two games. His offensive snap counts are down a bit from last year, but he’s had a high of 28% of the snaps (Jax, Carolina), 20% week 2 19% week 3 etc. There are a number of reasons for this, including more playing time for Knox, fewer 3 and 4 and essentially no 5 WR sets So I gotta go with your take that this is some kind of grudge by McDermott is what’s ridiculous I think Beasley will be back next week Weds or Thurs, assuming he is symptom-free
  10. How do we know McKenzie has struggled in practice?
  11. McDermott never put McKenzie on the bench as a slot receiver. McKenzie has always been a backup slot WR behind Beasley, last year and this. Beasley is tough, and wants to play through broken legs and cracked ribs, and the Bills have let him
  12. I mean, the rules and fines aren’t supposed to be on a sliding scale based on star power or NFL clout. On the face of it, Rodgers’ fines were ridiculous, but none of us have access to the intra-facility things Rodgers or Beasley were fined for. I don’t think “misleading the press” (or dare I say, lying to them) is a fineable offense in the NFL
  13. I guess this is a case of “confirmation bias”. I have seen vitriol, most of which got curtailed, but I wouldn’t say “few who can say that”. I think it’s overwhelmingly the majority view. Sounds like we agree on the last 2 sentences, but I’d go further and say if he chooses to be employed he should accept his employer’s rules before it rises to the level of a suspension.
  14. He won’t get cut during the season, not unless something escalates in a big way and forces the Bills hands. He might get released in the off-season, but that would likely have to do with his age and his cap hit vs his production relative to other players the Bills might re-sign or bring in, same as happened to John Brown.
  15. Dude. I’m a moderator. I pay attention. Yes I’ve seen some hate, I’ve also seen some over-the-top blanket characterizations of everyone who disagrees with some of Beas actions. I will give you this, yours with painting Beas as a crucified martyr on Christmas pretty much “takes the cake” There’s a line between actions and thoughts, all sane adults understand that. When a guy actually ACTS, you can’t paint people as objecting to his thoughts. Think about this: no one is directing much if any fuss and botheration at Davis or Brown who are apparently unvaxxed and went out with Covid. Why? They made their personal choice personal. Also, You can’t go around making a huge public deal of your “personal medical choice” and then say “it’s nobody’s business”. If you want it to be nobody’s business, keep it to yourself. Once you make a huge public issue out of it repeatedly, you forfeit the “nobody’s business” card and the “personal decision” card. Plain and simple. No one is saying it had effect on his playing time, that’s your “straw man” setup. As for his play, it has objectively not been at last year’s level. His R/G and snap counts are about the same, but his Y/R, YBC per R, and YAC per R are all down significantly - 11.8 to 8.4 on the Y/R. That may not entirely be on him, but many hear have commented that he’s gone down at times when last year he would have fought for the 1st down and he’s had individual games where he hasn’t been able to haul in some balls that look catchable.
  16. He’s not going to be cut. What a silly notion. But today was McKenzie’s chance to make a statement that healthy McKenzie might be better than broken leg Beas or damaged ribs Beas, and should maybe be getting a few more looks over healthy Beas. Statement made, printed, and signed.
  17. Sanders actually COLLIDING with Knox on that crosser in the 1Q was NOT a good look
  18. Did you seriously just analogize Beasley and his “Imma do what’s best for me, ***** the rest of you” stance to a Crucified martyr, at Christmas no less? Wow. No one is hating Beasley for “thinking different”. It’s his actions. He works for an organization which allowed him a choice, and has rules for both choices. He made his choice, follow the appropriate rules, no problem.
  19. Um, that’s a picture of Beas in an undershirt, in his bed. I doubt he’s taking pictures of himself in bed “partying” because he’s full of vim and vigor, doing ladders and Peloton workouts. At least, if I wanted to persuade people there was nothing wrong with me and I was ready to “party” on the field, that isn’t the image I’d share.
  20. He has a right to say his piece and to try to work for change before the season started and while the rules hadn’t been set yet. But I thought he had it right when he deleted his Twitter and said it was like a huge weight lifted off of him. Once the season started, the rules were the rules and the only thing further talk could do was make it about him and not the team.
  21. Is that what dished Shawne Merriman, that he needed the surgery but didn’t get it or delayed getting it? How likely is it that guys come back from it?
  22. He meant to do it. Going for Allen’s injured L foot. IMHO Belicheck coaches stuff like that. Remember Tommy on his back kicking a defender? We were playing the Patriots and the Refs today too. It’s just this time we were good enough to beat them both.
  23. I Like Ike. Bad news for us, I assume - will this be season-ending IR?
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