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Hapless Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. I'm sure he has always wanted a HC opportunity, and a serious one. Perhaps, like with Chan, the opportunity he got will lead to other opportunities.
  2. See, I could be wrong, but I never thought Beasley was very good at getting open super quickly vs. man (at least while in Buffalo), especially against a quality slot corner. If you give him enough time and route options, sure, he could juke the guy out of his cleats and work open, and he could figure out where the seams would be against zone and find the open spot. Perhaps he was quicker and better against man in his Cowboys days?
  3. All fair points of view. Let's hope Culley is laughing all the way to the bank.
  4. I suppose I'm partly pissed off that the Ravens managed to get 2 - 3rd round picks by shoving (excuse me, lobbying for and recommending) their under-qualified "Passing Game Coordinator" out the door into a bad HC situation where he only lasted a year. I don't think that really is the kind of developmental coaching pipeline that the 2 3rd round picks were supposed to encourage teams to pursue. SI and ESPN are reporting that only 2 years of Culley's 5 year contract were guaranteed. SI has this to say: The bolded above is also pissing me off. On the other hand, HC make a lot more $$ than guys several steps down on the "offensive assistant" food chain. Culley is 65, has a wife and 2 kids, maybe he has or expects to have grandkids. By allowing himself to be used like this, perhaps he coolly took home "Generational Wealth" for his family, and who could blame him for that?
  5. LOL I don't think sildanefil (Viagra) will make you test positive for PEDs Fun fact: I'm not sure it's still ongoing, but for a while premature infants were routinely treated off-label with Viagra for a similar reason. It would relax the blood vessels in their lungs and allow better circulation thus oxygen transfer.
  6. LOL Belichick at it again with the "questionable" game status. Probably 2 guys on there are legit questionable and Wynn might be "doubtful"
  7. During the game, the announcers were showing replays where his entire drop was different and speculating about whether he was being coached to punt that way for some reason and what the reason would be. I don't think Haack has (what I understand to be) the Yips because after his shanks of 28, 21, and 22 yds he punted 49, 53, and 43 yds (with a fumble and a 7 yd "just do something" punt sandwiched in there. What I understand "the Yips" to be is that the player suddenly loses the ability to perform an athletic move that should be well-engrained "muscle memory" to the player, and can't get it back. He had some good punts around his terrible, horrible, no good very bad day. No question Haack is a scary dude to most of us Bills fans right now!
  8. There's a marked difference in Belichick's attitude and tone describing Allen now vs. a couple years ago, and even last season. He refers to him as "a lot of magic there" and "got to be ready for anything" and even gives him the Football player compliment "this guy..he's a problem" Interesting to me that Belichick didn't pick up on (or state) what I see as the real reason Allen lateralled the ball to Knox: there were 26 seconds left in the 2Q. Allen saw he was likely to be tackled in-bounds, but Knox could get OOB and stop the clock, giving them several more shots at the EZ before a FG Some players on that 2001 Rams team may have a viewpoint as to one reason they lost that game. Hint: it doesn't involve Belichick being a natural genius at coaching. It does involve a "ruthless pursuit of a competitive advantage" which some people would describe as a word starting with ch and ending with ing
  9. That is like the biggest farce ever. That poor guy got handed the rawest of raw deals with the roster and the QB situation. He actually managed to pull the team together and win over the Titans and the Chargers. Now he's gotten canned after 1 season, while the Ravens get 2 - 3rd round draft picks as a reward for shoving the poor guy out the door into a crappy situation. Sheesh.
  10. Didn't we have a solid screen pass to Knox as one of the first plays against the Jets? *rummage* *rummage* Yes, first play. Went for 17 yds. In theory, McKenzie should have same but teams are watching too much for him in the backfield whenever he's in the game, I think, because we don't use him downfield as much.
  11. This is better than a ***** sandwich, but it's still incredibly crippled compared to last year. Apparently I have to choose the play, then wait for the current play to finish, it will then go to that play - but if I want to watch sideline or endzone I then have to select the play again. And of course, in full screen, I can't select plays but must exit full screen, select, then go back. It's just poorly done. I'll be damned, he's right, the Falcons all-22 isn't there. I wonder why not. All the press and the content producers like Cover1 use the International Version. It was the work-around given to them when they pointed out they couldn't Do Their Job with the NFL's crap version. Interestingly while I could find the rest of the games, I couldn't find Atlanta-Bills
  12. There was a thread about this near the start of the season. The NFL prioritized integrating Gamepass into its NFL.com site. After people complained, there was apparently a developer meeting with users from the press and users who develop secondary content, where someone reported that the developers seemed to have no idea that people actually used all the features they took out. These guys were given access to the International version, which is essentially still last year's version and still works. They made it worse all around in stupid ways - for example you actually have to scroll through large icons multiple times week by week to find the game you want, instead of being able to click on "week 17" and choose the game you want from a menu of games. My understanding is it's still the version we used to have last year and before How did you get access to the international version?
  13. I couldn't find it on my iPad, but I blamed myself for having an out-of-date operating system and app Believe me, if it were elsewhere I'd go there in a hurry and ditch Gamepass like a cheap date (which it is not)
  14. Didn't someone do a meme of his face, with his nose replaced by a male organ? It was pretty well done IIRC I don't think it would happen, but I would personally love to see the Chiefs fall to the Steelers.
  15. It's there. It's just next to useless. I can access it when signed into Gamepass on a computer. It's a window underneath the video highlights. It's severely crippled. You have to choose sideline or endzone view for the whole game, there's no way I can find to go to specific plays, etc etc.
  16. Dude, I was talking specifically about the Straw Man thing. If you can't Cowboy Up and acknowledge that you were using a straw man tactic addressing me, I don't know what to say to ya. Once again, this is a misrepresentation of the exchange. You ended your post with a very snarky comment calling anyone who doesn't accept your FO data on its face value as showing a decline in Beasley's play as a Beasley "truther" who can't be bothered with facts: I pointed out that different data (available at Pro Football Reference without subscription) shows a more nuanced picture with several explanations. Since you seem to have trouble remembering your posts and mine accurately, here's the link. The specific statement I made in response was "Don't bother yourself with facts when referencing "Truthers" though. It was obviously specifically targeted at your snarky "Don't bother the Truthers with facts though", suggesting that your "facts" and your interpretation were the only game in town and anyone who doesn't "fall in" is some kind of "Truther". To misrepresent what I said as "YOU then responded and suggested I try presenting “facts” next time." is another example of intellectual dishonesty and disingenuousness in argument (or a very poor memory on your part - in which case, take the time to review before telling someone what they said). That is all. This is pointlessly rude. It doesn't even have the charm of humor. You get the "I'm debating a mod" free pass right now, but if you do it again, you will be warned just like anyone else. These tactics don't lend themselves to productive football discussion. Great, share the link to the data. Glad you have some. Here is exactly what you said, since you seem to have trouble remembering: That is exactly what you stated and was at the end of the post, with nothing omitted (I did not "only quote the second half of what you said", your post ended with that statement). I would like to see those stats as I don't think it's true that the Bills are facing more man than zone coverage this year. Allen's performance man vs zone would also be interesting, but would need to show how much of each he's facing to support your statement. It's been pointed out before (last year) that Beasley can be bracketed and taken away in zone coverage. If teams are getting quick pressure while employing zone coverage with 7 DB and 2 deep safeties (as Pittsburgh did) - which they can do with stunts or overloading one side of the line - then the reason Beasley won't get targeted on a 10-15 yd deep crosser is that 1) there's not time for the deeper routes to develop 2) they become riskier throws because of the coverage. So Daboll switches to shallower routes that get open faster (and which the D is willing to give up), and Beasley gets less YPC. Of course, it's also possible that Beasley just has lost a step and can't run those deeper crossing routes fast enough. I haven't been able to comb enough out of the crippled all-22 to tell, but the point is, just on the data presented about YBC, we can't tell what's going on, I think I'm outta here, I've made my points as well as I can, and you're too prone to distorting and misrepresenting what the person you're talking to said to be worth my time (or maybe anyone's time) to try talk to you.
  17. Josh says that the coldest game he ever played was 6 degrees F at kickoff, and also that "once it gets below 4 degrees you don't really feel the difference" 7 minutes in. This is also the podcast where he originally talked about his cold feet. He says he doesn't get cold, his hands don't get cold, but he has poor circulation and his feet get cold. Right after the coldest game part at about 7:30
  18. I'm guessing that the issue is the wiring and the power supply. To you it's ridiculous and borderline negligent, but to a security guard tasked with making sure IEDs don't get inside the stadium, he doesn't have time to trace the wiring and ensure that it's just for warmth, and not connected to plastic explosive - and if he makes a mistake HE'S negligent. It's easier to just say "no battery powered clothing", and easier if fans respect the restriction and don't decide they need not respect regulations that they find stupid.
  19. Josh said they have heated benches and footwarmers on the sideline, but when it's really cold they don't keep up. I'm sure Josh doesn't want his cleats to be sufficiently large to hold conventional toe-warmers, but I would think that some clever person ought to be able to engineer custom insoles out of chemical toe-warmer material and that would be that "problem solved"
  20. Except of course, for the 3 other years when he wasn’t MUCH more productive than this year in YPC but in fact had similar. I’m sure you wouldn’t “argue just to argue” by trying to make a case that 4 out of 10 years, 40%, isn’t a significant chunk of a guy’s career. And yes, that was my point - Beasley has had a different role in Buffalo as the slot guy, therefore it shows nothing to ask if other WR have also had a drop-off in YBC or YPC this year I defer to your superior knowledge of Beasley’s gripes in Dallas. I thought he wanted to run a more complete route tree, which he was given the chance to do in 2019 and couldn’t quite pull off.
  21. Depends upon the wind. They obviously don’t think McKenzie tracks the ball well enough or handles it bouncing well enough in wind. I can not express how much I enjoyed these “Dad” jokes
  22. We were traveling and tonight I finally had the chance to watch the entire game. This seems like a reasonable thread to toss in my $0.02: 0) We won. We won. We Won! 1) The Bills D was more porous than I expected, overall. They were chasing Wilson around the backfield like a headless chicken most of the game, but there were some throws to be made if Wilson had been able to make them (he also got a few circus catches from his receivers) 2) The Bills WR corps was worse than I was expecting. From the announcers, who I’d listened to, I expected a horrible performance from Allen. Instead, something seems “off” with our WR corps - like they’re distracted and not as sharp as they should be. Particularly disappointed with Davis. It’s not like he was being asked to do easy things, but in other games he’s managed to get his feet down, or haul in that ball tossed to him in the backfield, or turn on the afterburners and haul in that deep ball. I think we definitely need help at WR this off-season 3) ST sucked, and when I say ST, I mostly mean Haack. OMG all the stuff people were saying about Haack, and the reality was worse. Also if the question is “who is our KR/PR going forward?” When the going gets tough and Hyde gets going, it’s pretty clear McKenzie is not the answer. 4) We won. Onward!
  23. 😅 FCS: Fer Cripes (or a “name in vain”) Sake!
  24. Frazier wants a HC job. He wanted one last year. He wants one now.
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