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Everything posted by michaelfromgermany

  1. I think he is a good pass rusher...and i remember he made a very good game against the Bills last year... I would be very happy with him.....from Hawaii - via Arizona to Buffalo ;-))
  2. Correkt. I my feeling tells me the Front Office thinks they have spend enough in the last months... it would be a big (pleasant) surprise for me if we would sign a LB, DT or OT..... They will try it with the players we habe right now...
  3. Lets hope he will full recover and make a pleasant surprise. I do not think the Bills will get any OLB in Free Agency this preseason.....
  4. I am also optimistic and curiously for the new season. But not only the Bills got better...also got the other Teams from our devision. I am not happy Tom Brady is back... Its a dream for me for over 15 years to watch the Bills live at a home game and rout for them.... maybe it will come true in the next years... ;-)
  5. Its not a surprise nobody wanted these player.... Kelsay is average... if i were a GM i would only trade for playmakers. Thats also the reason JAX would NOT trade DT Henderson. Lets be honest: If DT Henderson would be on our team...would we like to trade him ? I think neither of these player will be traded. Maybe S Ko Simpson gets cut. But i think Kelsay and Denney will stay. On the other hand i think Denney played better than Kelsay last year. Of course is his salary to high. Maybe he accepts a pay cut (which do i not believe). A note to LB Leroy Hill: As much i would love to have him on our team (even if he wants so much money), but i think the Patriots could take him. I am not sure, but i remember they drafted no Linebacker in the draft.
  6. i am all over it to get DT Henderson here.. but i think JAX does not want to trade him anyre we could send them players this year and a 3rd next..... our rushing defense would be TOP5
  7. I heard Pittsburgh restructured the contract from Hines Wart....maybe to free some Dollars for Parrish.... i remember there was rumor in the last 5 days that Pittsburgh was interested in him
  8. Oh...i have not see it from this angle ,-)
  9. Time to trade up....for him....or Casey.... But there are also OT Cadogan und OT Meredith....also G Robinson. But i think OL is maybe done. But the OT-Situation scares me a little bit. There is also LB McRath....und Freemann
  10. i have changed it already....only for you ;-) Joke.. ,-)
  11. ;-) You are kidding me ? ,-))) You do not know Heidelberg ? ,-) There is the Headqarter from the US Military in Germany. Its in South Germany...small town...only 70.000 citizens. ,-) OK....but surely you know Frankfurt ? ;-) That is 100 km away from here ;-))))
  12. Thank you...grrrr ;-)
  13. ups....Beckum also gone...but 3 are there: Ingram, Casey and Nelson.... Lets hope one of them will survive the next 20 picks
  14. The Bengals have the best Draft so long....
  15. 20 Picks in the 3rd made and all 6 TE (Nelson, Beckum, Coffmann, Cook, Ingram, Casey) there. Good.
  16. NO. We give our 110th to Dallas. We still have the Nr. 121 Pick.
  17. Oh...the Jax take a DT with their 3rd......maybe we should call them and offer our 4th and one of our "trading players" for DT Henderson
  18. And here is my last comment on another Team: Cincy has a very good draft i think....
  19. Ok...i explan my thoughts: Fred Jackson is after the first three games our backup. Maybe Nr. 1 - Maybe Nr. 2 Backup....we have also D. Rhodes. He will not be "over used" on game day....so he could take som returns. McGee and McKelvon are starting....correkt. So i do also not want them to return Kickoffs and Punts if its not necessarily. Is it sure, that CB Byrd will start ? I do not think so. We have Whitner and Scott at Safety. And for a Punt Returner who touches the Ball only a few times a game, i think this is big luxury to have him extra to do this for us. Yes.
  20. Thank you. Ok....Free Agent...so we can have him without compensation....thats what i want to here ;-)
  21. I wish you good luck to get a ticket...i will be sold out.. ,-)))))
  22. Correkt. But i think its a big luxury for us to have so many good returners. There is Parrish, F. Jackson, T. McGee, L. McKelvon and i heard CB Byrd (our second Rounder) is also a very good Punt Returner. I think we do not need to have so many good returners. Also Parrish´s Salary is very high. PS: I am listening to the "wonderfull" "The final Countdown" from your signature ;-))))))))))))))
  23. i do also think a trade will not happen. Also not for our players....nobody wants them to our asking price.
  24. Yes, i think also they are the deepest team in the NFL. I am not sure which of there older players will retire. Maybe Rodney Harrison. But T. Brusci will play.
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