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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. They know the true problem, you and I have money, and they need to find an excuse to take it.
  2. New record. http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/antarctic-sea-ice-reaches-new-record-maximum/#.VPefGOGrYVm
  3. How did it work out for those cultures?
  4. Yes, they could have followed them? Enid I think? For her people yes, Carol not so much!!
  5. Good episode. was the back page of the comic a foreshadowing of the rest of the season?
  6. I'll take mexico, burritos and tequila all day!!
  7. Yes it is. That gun is good for a lot of things. I bought my first 870 just a couple years ago, wish I had done so a long time ago. Fill that sucker with buckshot and you could really cause some harm.
  8. Now the guys who couldn't predict the pause in the temperature have made models to show why the pause happened!! http://qz.com/351797/scientists-now-know-why-global-warming-has-slowed-down-and-its-not-good-news-for-us/ “Eventually we expect temperatures to ‘catch up,’ but it may take longer than five years for that to happen,” Roberts told Quartz. So we should let the government redistribute untold Billions today on a prediction (from people who have a history of failed predictions) of what might happen over five years from now.
  9. Congressmen living paycheck to paycheck!!!! http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/26/nancy-pelosi-congress-is-living-paycheck-to-paycheck/
  10. http://bearingarms.com/officer-shot-handcuffed-felon-will-charges-savannah/?utm_source=bafbp&utm_medium=fbpage&utm_campaign=baupdate "Officer Jannot did 21 years in the miiltary including 13 years in special operations before beginning his career in law enforcement, and Smith’s shooting was the first time he’d ever had to fire upon someone in all that time. The officer hit Smith with four of five shots fired, a phenomenal feat considering that most officer-involved shootings have a hit rate of less than 20%.
  11. Not building the pipeline doesn't stop the crude from moving. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/17/us-usa-train-derailment-csx-idUSKBN0LK1ST20150217
  12. OOPS Dale died at the farm Herschel died at the prison
  13. Fixed http://twitchy.com/2015/02/25/unreal-white-houses-term-for-illegal-aliens-is-facepalm-inducing/
  14. will I have to pay a "shared responsibility payment" if I don't have DSL?
  15. Pretty sure they had unseen guards, maybe the camera shot from the house was one of the guards? Maybe with radios to clear the kids from the area near the gate because strangers are coming? with five people (glenn, maggie, mischonne, abraham and rosita) easier to clear the road?
  16. The flare came from near the water tower. So the RV headed that way thinking it was Rick.
  17. They have it so good in Alexandria that he is able to have a license plate collection? What a contrast to Rick grinding acorns for Judith to eat!
  18. they sure make some neat stuff http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/18/doll-drink-dispenser_n_6005620.html
  19. This nut job thinks the sun has a greater influence on the earths temperatures than CO2!!! http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/02/bad_news_for_warmists_sun_has_entered_weakest_solar_cycle_in_a_century.html
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