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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. If the CO@ hasn't been reduced, why has the temperature flattened out?
  2. If Bruce can be Caitlyn, Tony can be Geronimo.
  3. or he is a spineless turd that was afraid some other spineless turd would boycott him!
  4. Hotter, colder. man adapted, all without carbon credits to transfer wealth from productive to non productive peoples.
  5. Gun saves two lives. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/07/03/lynne-russell-ex-cnn-anchor-and-her-husband-are-alive-today-because-handgun-what-media-isnt-telling.html
  6. Groundless and far flung? Not sure how you got there. They predicted the temperatures are rising, which we know because we are coming out of an ice age. Not real hard to do
  7. More green plants? http://www.climatecentral.org/news/study-finds-plant-growth-surges-as-co2-levels-rise-16094 FTA Trees are likely to invade grasslands in the drier regions, and their deep roots are better equipped to tap groundwater and at the same time stabilize the soils. “Even if nothing else in the climate changes as global CO2 levels rise, we will still see significant environmental changes because of the CO2 fertilization effect,” says Dr. Donohue So we are coming out of an ice age, still not proof of harm by man, and still not even close to the temps of the Medieval optimum!
  8. So you believe the science, even though the data shows time and again that the models are wrong and none of their predictions come to pass? Here is some data from your scientists.
  9. Has the temperature been cyclical, Yes or no? Are we not in a current warming trend for the last TEN THOUSAND years? (Mostly prior to Industrial revolution) Is the 90% consensus a tiny portion of scientists (79) or not? Have the IPC models been wrong or not? Have the polar caps disappeared like ALgore said they would? Are our coastal cities under water yet?
  10. No, usually there are others there, but being the 5th I am sure most stayed up late.
  11. So you stick to 97% because that is more believable!!! Dissenting: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2013/02/13/peer-reviewed-survey-finds-majority-of-scientists-skeptical-of-global-warming-crisis/
  12. You address 1 out of 7 and didn't even get that right. The 97% quote comes from a single study that had 79 respondents, Link previously provided).
  13. FTA ""We must stem the flow of guns into the city," he said." NO, you must stop the demand for the guns. You have get people to stop hating each other!!!
  14. Took my two middle children to mass at 7 am. My 14 yo looks around and says that her and her brother where the only two people under 20, or maybe 30 in the church.
  15. Stick to the key points. Has the temperatures been cyclical, Yes or no? Are we not in a current warming trend for the last TEN THOUSAND years? (Mostly prior to Industrial revolution) Is the 90% consensus a tiny portion of scientists (79) or not? Have the IPC models been wrong or not? Have the polar caps disappeared like ALgore said they would? Are our coastal cities under water yet?
  16. I think I did just that. I show a graph that shows the earths temperature cycling warmer and cooler all on it's own. All you have are some models that have been wrong on all the projections to date, and a "mysterious" lack of warming. I call bull ****!!! Human activity is not causing and or adding to the planets natural cycle.
  17. Keep trying http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303480304579578462813553136 FTA The "97 percent" figure in the Zimmerman/Doran survey represents the views of only 79 respondents who listed climate science as an area of expertise and said they published more than half of their recent peer-reviewed papers on climate change. Seventy-nine scientists—of the 3,146 who responded to the survey—does not a consensus make.
  18. The data indicates it's cyclical, the models your priests of AGW create are wrong and have been wrong all along.
  19. Climate change is real, but man is not causing it now, any more than we did in AD 950. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_Warm_Period
  20. Forced indoctrination.. Oh wait they have common core.
  21. They changed the regs on sharks in 2000. Could that have something to do with it? http://savannahnow.com/stories/061900/SPTshark.shtml#.VZQ6g2fbJaQ FTA "Federal regulations, which cover all ocean waters from the three mile state boundaries to 200 miles out, will become very restrictive for all recreational fisherman along the coast, and particularly in South Carolina where state laws automatically fall in line with federal mandates."
  22. Black lives matter but not in Detroit. http://www.bb4sp.com/another-weekend-block-party-shooting-in-detroit-teens-wounded/
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