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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Your assumption is that there are certain places guns don't belong? So if I choose to carry I have to avoid certain places, even if I don't plan to shoot it up?
  2. On a side note, what a huge carbon footprint Mr. " I'll stop the oceans from rising" has.
  3. And God decides who goes there, not some goat humper.
  4. http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/the-truth-warming-alarmists-dont-want-you-to-know-about-the-climate-models/ fta: And, as the Daily Caller pointed out last week, the federal government has spent billions — close to $100 billion, actually, since just fiscal 2012 — on “science” that is undergirded by failed models. About a month earlier, the Daily Caller also noted that the models were unable to “predict CO2 would green the Western U.S.” Yet the modeling template marches on, even as, Michaels and Wojick note, “the climate science research that is done appears to be largely focused on improving the models.” Get that? Climate scientists are spending more energy and resources trying to upgrade their flawed models than they are trying to understand the climate itself. And it’s a good bet that what most climate scientists will consider improved modeling will be programs that predict even greater warmth.
  5. Just meant a wealthy politician. They all look out for each other, not us peasants.
  6. I guess this is what happens when you have to pass laws through a Senate composed of millionaires and the one of the wealthiest says this!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV-05TLiiLU
  7. earliest Floridians caused sea level rise by eating mastodon. http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a44877/tools-mastodon-florida-underwater-archaeology/
  8. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/nurse-who-photographed-patients-genitals-surrenders-license/ She can take pictures of mine!!
  9. Should be the headline at Salon and/or Huffpost tomorrow.
  10. Only using data that helps the cause. http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/no-warming-for-58-years-what-the-government-is-hiding/
  11. My Champion of Champions line up. Given $200. I have a zero balance QBAaron Rodgers RBJeremy Hill RBEddie Lacy WRDoug Baldwin WRRandall Cobb WRPierre Garcon TE Heath Miller FLEXMarvin Jones DEF Houston Texans
  12. And I had him for the first nine weeks (including our first meeting which I won) and Decker outscored him in our semi-final round (when I beat you again) and I am certain Brees to Watson was the score that put me ahead of you.
  13. Not sure that is true, decker outscored marshall when we went h2h in the semifinal.
  14. I may have to change the team name next year, I am considering "The Brees Way"
  15. I know you are not BSing, but you are playing for third!!
  16. When did you drop Brees? I took him in the draft. I beat you head to head when I had Marshall and went 4-2 after the trade, I think I made out ok even after CJ went on IR. Not sure you would be running away with anything I am still the top score this week. Oh and the champ!!
  17. If Brees can't walk I don't stand a chance!
  18. I stayed up watched until the end I won!! Better luck next year
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