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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Two westbound lanes shut down on thruway http://www.whec.com/news/thruway-crash-blocks-two-lanes-near-buffalo-/4264614/?cat=565
  2. Just another day for "The religion of Peace"
  3. Killing babies in utero, the elderly and infirmed is now considered "basic medical procedures"?
  4. As sad as suicide is, I refuse to give up my freedoms because .006609824% of the population offs themselves with a gun.
  5. This will lead to additional medications disqualifying you from owning guns, when does it stop?
  6. Finally some good news!!!! http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/12/winter-is-coming-warns-the-solar-physicist-the-alarmists-tried-to-silence/
  7. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/05/22/rio-olympics-condoms_n_10096734.html
  8. Wow a liberal building a fence, who would think that would happen?
  9. Well they couldn't blame Bush, that's Obamas line!
  10. But don't worry, those classified emails were safe on her private server!
  11. schmuck schumer blames the russians. “Are the Russians trying to influence our election? I don’t have proof of that, but we should be looking into it,” Schumer said during his weekly Sunday news conference. http://nypost.com/2016/07/24/convention-chaos-already-dnc-chair-out-protesters-storm-philly/
  12. And way too much of it is made into smoothies!!. But on a serious note, have you ever seen the trash in a school cafeteria ? The kids throw most fruits and veggies away.
  13. Won't they have to provide facts at a trial? this could really backfire on them.
  14. http://nypost.com/2016/06/23/tugboat-captain-allegedly-fooling-around-with-woman-at-time-of-deadly-crash/
  15. The libs would just scream about unfair and hypocrisy, stomp their feet and cry.
  16. http://www.whec.com/nys-exposed/film-tax-credits/4176081/?cat=565
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