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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. the legs are in the background of photo. click on on-line bidding and it shows pic of it in locker room. https://online.cashauction.com/servlet/Search.do?auctionId=25&itemId=531
  2. From the Bills locker room? http://www.cashauction.com/auction/308941/online-auction-only-buffalo-bills-pool-table/
  3. Does not mean that they think man is to blame. I believe in climate change but not that man is making it happen. As soon as you and Bill Nye can tell me how much of the change is man made I will believe it.
  4. Can you tell me how much man is contributing to it. Bill Nye couldn't
  5. He said that by reducing regulation the economy will grow, the growth will fund the spending. I guess we will see.
  6. I'm the problem? “There’s no protected class for me,” Rachel Dolezal
  7. And this just showcases why no one should ever listen to actors, they can't think for themselves, they just read what was written for them on the card.
  8. FTA "In our study we found two main things: First, people were quicker to shoot black targets with a gun, relative to white targets with a gun. And ... people were more trigger-happy when shooting black targets compared to shooting white targets." Did they happen to ask if the black target was easier to acquire and identify COM?
  9. So there is no real proof he is a disaster?
  10. Why does she try so hard to look like a man? Because the people that get their 2nd Amendment rights back were never declared mentally ill, they were deprived of their rights simple for being on government assistance. https://www.nraila.org/articles/20170203/us-house-passes-repeal-of-ssa-gun-grab-begins-rolling-back-obama-era-executive-gun-control FTA "The federal prohibitions on people who have been subject to involuntarily mental health commitments or subjected to “adjudications” of “mental defectiveness” remain on the books and are just as enforceable as they were before the vote. And people with diagnosed mental illnesses still have to undergo background checks when engaging in retail firearm purchases just like anybody else."
  11. As much as I hate to admit it, they are good. They know how to exploit mistakes, and can almost always bounce back. I really didn't think that Brady was going to be able to shake the first half. And sure as anything the D forces the fumble and give him a short field.
  12. Maybe some UN troops could help out?
  13. Thus, labeled "hate speech"
  14. Examples of his hate speech please, I have watched him occasionally and heard no hate.
  15. I thought he used obamas list?
  16. In their defense, they thought it would be a couple dozen snowflakes that could be intimidated by some harsh words, given some playdough and sent to their dorms. Sounds more like a well funded assault.
  17. If they bring back the draft would Illegal immigrants have to register?
  18. A song by Edwin Starr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dKAX7Jp8wo
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