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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I don't blame the kids, it's their parents fault for not teaching them these things.
  2. heck yeah https://68.media.tumblr.com/733930395288a4c199e6b3e66cab1d1a/tumblr_ogtiq9b4uq1vb8f0lo1_500.jpg
  3. Where did you take your course? All depends on the state, New York you are supposed to retreat if possible. I have small children, and trying to get them together and flee would take to long, Just like the guy in the OP, make sure there is only one side to the story.
  4. http://tribunist.com/news/headline-homeowners-son-uses-ar-15-to-kill-3-home-invaders-video/?utm_source=cdh
  5. What you expect smart people to work for $400,000 a year?
  6. silk stalkings could watch the entire show on mute.
  7. I would like to see him eaten like Noah was.
  8. I heard the first thing the railroad does after someone is hit is file trespass charges, keep them on the defense so they can't sue. http://www.dailyclimate.org/tdc-newsroom/2015/03/Train-deaths-rise-amid-energy-driven-rail
  9. You are correct. http://www.dailywire.com/news/10327/great-equalizer-woman-stops-aggressive-home-frank-camp
  10. If you don't know how much they collect, how do you know what it was spent on?
  11. Huh? we just paid co-pays for regular prenatal and post natal visits. No delivery charges. Well except the new sheets for the bed.
  12. Dang, wrong subject, thought you were talking home births. Did that twice.
  13. Just plaster pictures of Representative Jessica Farrar all over the state, no will want to spank it anymore.
  14. Imagine if Negan had met Joe from the "claimed" group.
  15. And when some Islamic fanatic mentally unstable lone wolf attacks a crowd in a mall or school with a machete, a concerned citizen can run to their house or car and grab their rifle to take him out. dumba$$
  16. And poof, BF is off to another thread, never to be seen here again.
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