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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. But I want to be a rich Republican, and when I get there I don't want to pay the higher taxes.
  2. By benefit do you mean keep their own money? You talk like a tax cut is giving someone money that they don't deserve, it is really theirs to begin with.
  3. He lowers the bar? The bigger problem is that anyone with any integrity has been run out of our political system and Americans are tired of the status quo, and that is why Trump is POTUS. I didn't want Trump, but as far as I am concerned he is still better than lying cheating murdering Hillary.
  4. A blow hard maybe, but not an imbecile. An imbecile would claim they landed in Bosnia under sniper fire.
  5. I believe he was attempting to get DR to elaborate on the statement he made, but as it is just a talking point he heard on a Sunday news show, he can't. But thanks for the input.
  6. How about democrats from the 1940's? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byrd#Ku_Klux_Klan
  7. Holy crap, this guy is nuts. "was the Katrina debacle, in which everyone could see the Bush administration’s callousness and incompetence playing out live on TV." http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/1484139/posts
  8. While I agree with the premise, I have doubts about the assumption you made. Obamacare did not save their life, it paid for the procedures that did. Still confused? Healthcare = seeing the doctor. Insurance = someone else pays for some or all of said visit.
  9. I Just checked The United States Constitution, providing insurance to millions is not in the POTUS job discription.
  10. The Dems are hoping to quietly get the funding, so they don't have to explain why the funding is needed.
  11. The problem is that most TV/News/radio people are progressives, so the have the means to promote what they consider hate speak.
  12. No, No this was a win. http://www.youngcons.com/update-dem-candidate-after-failing-to-win-georgia-special-election-this-is-already-a-victory-for-the-ages/ A win for the ages!!
  13. So, what do you think changed from when Trump was bashing BO to today? Is it possible he has more info than Ann C.and the bombing was justified? Or is Ann correct and he just wants to thump his chest?
  14. What do they do with the junk, take it to the ER with them?
  15. And now we understand the need for $15 hr minimum wage!!!!
  16. When did it become mandatory that parents pay college tuition?
  17. So, why is that anyone business but theirs? Oh right they have "fill in natural resource here" that we want.
  18. Dang, forgot about the horses.
  19. Maybe the sewer that Maggie and Aaron used? But the Kingdom wouldn't have know about that, unless they were all already in Alexandria before the junkyard gang showed up, which would explain Ricks statement about them all being already dead. The way the entire show was filmed there is no way to know what was happening when.
  20. 1)lots of commercials in the first half hour also 2) quieter? 3) Negan likes theater 4) not sure - in shock he got caught a second time? Or did he know Kingdom and Hilltop were there and kept it from Jadis? 5) ok
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