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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Voices ini your head don't count, please put your tin foil hat back on.
  2. So black cars and trucks with turbo chargers, brush guards, retractable air foils and lift kits. He is moving to Finland? Not to detract from the fact that she saved lives, but she was had a gun they had axes and machetes, I would certainly hope she could win that fight.
  3. The were invited to a meeting to get information that they were told existed, but in fact didn't. So they are guilty of meeting with a liar. Please tell me the statute that makes that illegal?
  4. Not sure which is more disturbing, that " The Little Mermaid" is a play, or that people care who plays the lead.
  5. She flashed them doing a cartwheel. http://nypost.com/2017/07/26/teacher-pleads-guilty-to-assault-after-flashing-students-during-cartwheel/
  6. Maybe it we give enough of our money to third world countries for windmills we can bring back some ice and not have to worry about ticks. http://www.newyorknature.net/IceAge.html
  7. Troubling ties, is that code for capitalist pigs trying to make grotesque profits off of international business dealings?
  8. I don't understand? is this the smoking gun that proves Trump had the Russians hack Hillary's e-mail and proved she was using a private server for SOS business (including confidential info) which swayed votes to stay home and not vote for the her?
  9. gotta have Garlic . heading to the freezer to see what's left.
  10. I think that had more to do with Trump winning than the Russians did.
  11. Smaller government is bad for business. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/retail-lose-70-billion-over-191409015.html "Retail to lose $70 billion over 10 years if food stamp benefits are cut; here's who gets hit the most"
  12. If that's true, the House is just following the law. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., accused House Republicans of dredging up the procedural issue, If Chuck is upset it must be good.
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