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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. He is not scapegoating immigrants, he is enforcing immigration law on ILLEGAL immigrants.
  2. Just because it sounds stupid doesn't make it fake, it is California.
  3. http://www.cscmediagroupus.com/matthew-deperi/sacramento-plans-pay-gang-members "The money will go to 50 men who are suspected of killing people, but there’s not enough evidence to prosecute them." So if you can't prove they did kill someone, how can you prove they didn't.
  4. Won't matter. No one will be able to live in Texas when the water rises. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Interior_Seaway
  5. Early morning on a week day, Trump supporters are at WORK!!!!!!!
  6. Fake news They have been together since 1982 http://www.ajcatlanta.org/site/c.lwLZKjN3LxH/b.8731655/k.2BFE/Atlanta_BlackJewish_Coalition.htm
  7. Was Putin still in it? Comey cut his own throat You are the only one dragging it on. Mueller, Mueller, Mueller.
  8. "There is no evidence in the emails that Mr. Sater delivered on his promises, and one email suggests that Mr. Sater overstated his Russian ties"
  9. "There is no evidence in the emails that Mr. Sater delivered on his promises, and one email suggests that Mr. Sater overstated his Russian ties" fake news. Keep trying though, a blind squirrel.... well you know the rest
  10. Is that treason or collusion? Oh wait that's capitalism.
  11. But Christians are sued for not making a rainbow cake!!!
  12. I take a swipe at TYTT and you find a problem with my link.
  13. The violence is not caused by the guns. See Charlottesville, Barcelona, London etc.
  14. Maybe he goes to Skidmore College. ? https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2017/08/22/washpost-writer-actually-argues-against-conservatives-free-speech
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