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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Most of which do not qualify to purchase a gun, so remind me again how another law will stop this? When liberals cry "we aren't trying to take your guns" they truly believe it, but the problem is I know that the only way to curb the violence is to outlaw guns, which will only reduce it not stop it. So any "honest" discussion about "common sense laws" is just liberal bull ****.
  2. "County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, who pushed hard to keep the pop tax, conceded defeat, even as she challenged commissioners to come up with a way to make up the estimated $200 million hole about to be blown in the 2018 budget." "Delayed by a month due to an Illinois Retail Merchants Association lawsuit, the tax didn’t take effect until Aug. 2." So they included the income in next years budget, all the while fighting in court to impose the tax. :wallbash:
  3. On the bright side the Dems are worse off. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/10/the-democratic-partys-looming-fundraising-crisis-215474
  4. This opinion brought to you by the Kremlin.
  5. Yes There are all types of competition. Look into the Camp Perry civilian matches, 300 yards or more with open sites, very impressive.
  6. 32 floors, how many rooms, plus casino traffic 24-7 , new staff every 8 hrs. I think you could almost drag a dead body through the hotel without incident. Parking garage is attached, he doesn't even have to go to through the lobby.
  7. you don't want a group, you want to cover the entire field fast.
  8. Yes insurance would end the gun problem like it ended the healthcare problem.
  9. 1. Not 2. tell me again how well that's working in Europe.
  10. They have a much better chance of dying from medical malpractice than an evil black rifle. 251,000 deaths by malpractice in the US https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/05/03/researchers-medical-errors-now-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-united-states/?utm_term=.de0c7d6550f0 In 2012 322 people killed by any rifle. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/14/sunday-review/the-assault-weapon-myth.html At least 84 people have been killed and 119 have been injured so far this year in 86 shooting incidents involving assault-style rifles http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/assault-weapons-deaths_us_5763109de4b015db1bc8c123 Yes what happened Sunday is horrific, but guns aren't the problem.
  11. Exactly 4.5 million members, name another group under a single name that has more members.
  12. Was flipping channels Saturday and saw Geraldo in PR and he was showcasing this exact issue. The place was a mess before the storm. Sadly it will get fixed and the same incompetents will be in charge.
  13. http://www.whec.com/news/45-immigrants-arrested-new-york-part-4-day-sweep/4618569/ FTA Of the 498 people taken into custody across the country this week, 317 had criminal convictions.
  14. And the solution is ...... Money More precisely, wealth redistribution. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/dec/02/climate-talks-rich-countries-should-pay-to-keep-tropical-forests-standing
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