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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Back to my winning ways, too bad I left Zeke on the bench 40 + points
  2. When Negan was behind the mask of the RV, I was screaming shoot at the openings, as his bullets kept hitting the center plate.
  3. So the investors were only interested in investing when they thought Hillary would continue to punish big oil and possibly subsidize the technology. Sounds like a great business plan.
  4. Love the Walker assault. Will take days for them to clear that mess, plus shooting out all the windows, makes sanctuary a little less comfy.
  5. So he is polite and grateful to one widow, but not the other got it.
  6. So here's the call https://www.sarahpalinnews.com/2017/10/20/breaking-gold-star-widow-releases-audio-phone-call-trump/?ref=Ads
  7. So either you didn't read the article, or you didn't understand it. Are you lazy or stupid?
  8. So my emissions cause more sea ice?
  9. So, did my car emissions cause the dead penguins or not?
  10. And now this... "Plans to expand aquatic farming could have a serious knock-on effect on climate change, climate experts have warned after new research revealed that underwater shellfish farts produce 10% of the global-warming gases released by the Baltic Sea." https://www.redstate.com/jimjamitis/2017/10/17/wont-believe-climate-scientists-worrying-now/
  11. Are you not claiming "climate change" caused the penguin deaths by creating more ice?
  12. Dang, what happened to my team this week?
  13. "failed to find food across unusually extensive sea ice." extensive ɪkˈstɛnsɪv,ɛkˈstɛnsɪv/ adjective adjective: extensive 1. covering or affecting a large area. "an extensive garden" seems you have trouble reading
  14. You don't like what he says, that doesn't make him an idiot. A buffoon maybe, but the man is not an idiot. Hillary on the other hand.... well "at this point what difference does it make?"
  15. Let's not forget that the only candidate that the dems were going to run was Hillary, the fix was in. And the only GOP nominee that would stand toe to toe with her on issues was Trump, so we really can blame the dems.
  16. Not stopping them from drinking it, just taxing them for it. Just like cigarettes.
  17. Best I can tell it's whether to argue in the shoutbox or in a thread..
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