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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. EBT, SnAP , not sure.She could have spent that money on a loaf of bread, some mayo and ham, and had 4 or 5 meals.
  2. A lady with a SNAP card ordering a sub at my local corner shop, while I go home to eat leftovers.
  3. Making up for it this wee, when it really counts. Wish I started Matthews.
  4. that's right, I was going to change my team name to the Breesway !!!
  5. Tyrod's Concussion is atop the standings and has been in first place every week this season.
  6. My 17 yo daughter said the loss of Shiva was his symbolic loss of his roll as king.
  7. 40 years ago, and they just now decide to mention it. Oh and the timing. " Alabama election law indicates, with little ambiguity, that the deadline has passed for candidates to be replaced on the ballot. The state election code says a candidate who wishes to withdraw from a race must do so 76 days before Election Day. The Alabama vote is in little more than a month. "
  8. Were they naked when they kidnapped them or did that happen after?
  9. As they continue to preach to everyone else paying "Your Fair Share"
  10. If they hadn't existed, what history would our current progressives ignore?
  11. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41907943 Should never have been released. Well then it's settle!!!
  12. Easier to blame the NRA. Still waiting for someone to blame AAA for the NYC Halloween attack
  13. This Douche bag beat his wife/girlfriend and fractured an infants skull, someone please explain to me why he was not incarcerated. Those people would be alive today if he was in prison.
  14. And there it is!!!! http://www.whec.com/politics/sticker-shock-coming-with-californias-new-pot-market/4659035/?cat=565
  15. So, this week I was saved by a tight end. Thanks to the fact the Dolphins D couldn't cover Jared Cook.
  16. The mullet didn't know about this plan, so either Dwight is playing both sides (I doubt that, he only knew when) or someone else is feeding Negan info.
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