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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. A guy that knows Trump talked to a guy that knows a guy. Six degrees of separation
  2. A capitalist businessman who moonlights as a racist bomber, nothing to do with Trump. #fakenews
  3. My two oldest girls own their own homes, both under 30. My oldest son is in Navy nuclear training. Just three more to get out of the house.
  4. Speak for yourself. I have had nothing to do with it. I am a hardass on my kids, and it is paying off.
  5. Can you break that down by income and education level?
  6. Did you see the live show they did after the season finale? the two chicks that had just had kids were in the back row leaning in to get their jugs on screen.
  7. Like thinking that minorities can't get an ID to vote?
  8. Why would they knowingly purge fugitives from that list? Oh right, this is the same group that let guns walk to mexico.
  9. I don't know, last night actually get me interested again. Simon is on edge, and Dwight read it wrong, Rick went off script, like Darryl did a few episodes ago, Maggie gambled on the new people and it turned to the good and paid off, and Jadis appeared out of nowhere.
  10. http://www.whec.com/news/congresswoman-louise-slaughter-dies/4828500/
  11. Trudeau is so stupid, he won't know it's an insult. And so what, it's Can A da !!!
  12. Sorry I meant to certain companies. The taxes should be levied "fairly" across the board, no special treatment. That is part of the problem with the current tax code, to many special circumstances and preferential treatment. From the article it looks like it was a special bill to grant reduced taxes to one company.
  13. So is giving tax breaks to companies. Either do away with the tax or make sure everyone pays it.
  14. But likely should have been. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/02/incompetence_wasnt_the_problem_in_broward_county.html#.WpSKOXDBPgE.twitter
  15. Who is that in the blue skirt, I might!
  16. Not so, the Russians helped him steal the election! (sarcasm off)
  17. Because of the call against Pittsburgh, which was wrong. James caught the ball and had enough control to extend it beyond the goal line with both hands . I think that should be a football move.
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