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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. So Lake Erie used to have glacier on it? So the planet warmed and melted the glacier prior to me being born? Must have warmed at least 7 degrees? How disastrous that must have been.
  2. I had my share of accidents when I was younger, most were weather (ice) related. I slid an S10 into a pole, the rear axle hit the pole and the truck swung 180 deg in a split second. I ended up in the passenger seat. When my wife saw the truck it had two impact spots on the windshield, she asked what hit that? It was my head. not a scratch on me. I know I was lucky, but just the same you and the government shouldn't be worried about me. Seat belt laws are a cash cow for the government.
  3. I do most of my driving at 25 MPH or less, never put the belt on. But if I head for the highway it's on.
  4. Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down. https://www.yahoo.com/news/earth-wobbling-more-humans-likely-cause-162018838.html
  5. How did they end up dead? Abandoned by the same people that armed their killers.
  6. There was fear of them banning or requiring ATF checks to buy it. Manufacturers wouldn't increase manufacturing capacity, fully expecting a return to normal at some point.
  7. Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six
  8. took a hit to his knee early ini the game, was not as mobile after, and couldn't really plant to throw.
  9. One legged Rodgers to Cobb for the win
  10. https://www.pluralist.com/posts/1886-biker-woman-pulls-out-gun-and-shoots-road-raging-man-dead-after-he-beat-her-almost-unconscious/partners/43834 Never go empty handed to a gun fight.
  11. the new trees use CO2 right? so that's a plus, also they shade the ground and reduce erosion?
  12. Let's get back on topic. https://www.dailywire.com/news/35448/dont-tell-climate-change-fanatics-piece-news-hank-berrien?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-news&utm_campaign=crowder
  13. Interesting take on the issue. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/09/04/nike-and-levis-strauss-political-business-strategy-the-much-bigger-geopolitical-and-trade-picture/
  14. I think this goes in the "gross things" thread?
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