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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Why? you can't judge all muslims Catholics by the actions of a few radicals.
  2. football wrestling and track (discus/shot put) in High school. Played some beer league softball for a while, played sand volleyball at YMCA until they took the court out to build a new building. Still play VBinside during winter.
  3. Does this count? She shows up on internet ads. Can't find her name.
  4. https://www.kiiitv.com/article/news/local/good-samaritan-shoots-kills-suspect-beating-wounded-dps-trooper-on-i-10/385791489?fbclid=IwAR0Jz5qEzEe17nJ0FSG28NWbga50H2nRZGMv1gAQ2IDXINLCBWX_ylywJQA?fbclid=IwAR0Jz5qEzEe17nJ0FSG28NWbga50H2nRZGMv1gAQ2IDXINLCBWX_ylywJQA Good guys win again!
  5. Such as titling your book, as Joan Walsh did, What’s the Matter with White People? . I thought he was poking fun at Michelle Obama, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/michelle-obamas-school-lunch-agenda-faces-backlash-from-some-school-nutrition-officials/2014/05/29/6a8e4af6-e744-11e3-afc6-a1dd9407abcf_story.html?utm_term=.f507b7c5cdca
  6. At least you know she likes clean panties. yep
  7. I'm not for it, just want to remind them not to wet their onesie when Trump does it
  8. Oh, i remember "I have a phone and a pen" Just don't cry like little babies, your guy set the precedent.
  9. And worth every penny if saves just one life. https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/27/us/suspect-california-police-officer-killed/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/true-crime/wp/2018/08/21/mollie-tibbetts-has-been-found-dead-a-month-after-she-vanished-authorities-say/?utm_term=.50e09f224ced https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2017/10/25/an-illegal-immigrant-killed-a-woman-and-was-used-to-justify-trumps-wall-now-hes-on-trial/?utm_term=.4af662eb9b17
  10. So it's okay when it's a train to people through Kalifornia, but not to keep out people who don't belong!!! https://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/high-speed-rail/article19667451.html
  11. Do you think he made it his #1 promise by mistake? We have all the dem leaders on record as for it, Americans want it, it should have been done in 2006. Come on lefties, call him an idiot some more. Trump is winning!!!!!
  12. More happy news. https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/08/four-burglars-break-in-shot/?fbclid=IwAR2wrr1Q3VmAEzHdm6t609uQVNtTh56fmA-ZiHAWRRGMpM4gyPdDYid80UU That is some gun control, hit 4 for 4.
  13. A good shooting in Chicago https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2019/01/08/concealed-carry-shooting-attempted-robber-103rd-street/ one less badguy
  14. Hypocrites galore, Megan Hickey is hot. I thought mass shooting only happen in the US. https://news.yahoo.com/7-dead-shooting-mexican-resort-playa-del-carmen-154553484.html Mexico should have tougher gun laws. MAGA, build the wall and keep these animals out.
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