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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for him to share his "facts"
  2. I have no idea why Cohen wrote a check to Miss Daniels, I do know that her suit against Pres. Trump was thrown out and she was ordered to pay Pres. Trumps legal fees. I also know that her lawyer is probably going to prison. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/11/us/stormy-daniels-donald-trump.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/mar/25/michael-avenatti-extortion-arrested-charged-nike If I missed something please feel free to provide a link.
  3. Please. Please, Please stop watching CNN !!!!!!!
  4. https://www.timesofisrael.com/ilhan-omar-violated-minnesota-campaign-finance-rules-state-officials-say/
  5. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/05/03/us-economy-added-jobs-april-unemployment-fell-percent-lowest-since/?utm_term=.2ea557fde12b "The U.S. economy added 263,000 jobs in April, notching a record 103 straight months of job gains and signaling the current economic expansion shows little sign of stalling." I think we can handle a pause in the hiring while we secure our boarder and end the illegal immigration crisis.
  6. https://cis.org/Report/Costs-Immigration FTA: GOIRA estimated there were 550,000 illegal aliens in Texas in 1992. They paid $290 million in state and local taxes and generated state and local service and assistance costs of $456 million, for a deficit of $166 million. Applying the lower estimate of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) of 350,000 illegal aliens in Texas, GOlRA estimated total costs and revenues at $313 million and $183 million respectively, for a deficit of $130 million.
  7. https://www.usglc.org/faq-violence-migration-and-u-s-assistance-to-central-america/ https://explorer.usaid.gov/cd/GTM
  8. yes they are human, no they are not citizens of the USA. No one is trying to abort the migrants. But just like abortions, I don't want to pay for them! What's your point?
  9. More "newspeak" https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/04/new-york-times-fetal-heartbeat-embryonic-pulsing-abortion/ ‘Embryonic Pulsing’
  10. https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/downtime/mexico-sends-troops-to-its-southern-border/vp-AACx6d9 "Thousands of troops will be sent to Mexico's border in hopes of stemming the flow of migrants heading for the US. ABC News' Serena Marshall reports. " Hmm
  11. Maybe one of them found $5000 and wouldn't share .
  12. I'd spend half on women, gambling and booze the other half I would waste.
  13. But she likes tube steak, no one turns down a BJ !!!!!
  14. I never get anything like that, by mail, e-mail, text or IM.
  15. "Gupta had been reported missing just hours earlier on Wednesday. The Montgomery County Police Department said in a Facebook post that Gupta was last seen by family when he left his home around 9:20 a.m. Police said they were concerned for his physical and emotional welfare."
  16. But they don't/won't/can't commit people anymore, so she will only get help when she asks for it. And of course people like this don't think they need help.
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