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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. WTF: https://nypost.com/2019/06/25/nebraska-woman-spared-jail-for-sex-with-dad-after-jealous-competition-with-half-sister/
  2. Serious question... How large a group of people REALLY know the tax code?
  3. Not sure if this quote is real.... but it is true "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
  4. They never believed - Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey or Paula Jones
  5. No it's not, yes they do that, but it really isn't ok.
  6. Why not, I'll just never take her to my house.
  7. I agree SJM has potential Lindsay Bowen looks like Bert pretty sure Sandra Mistele used to be a guy And Lois Calabrese looks like Julie Bowen, and might clean up decent
  8. I would have to see the pictures to decide if they are "victims"
  9. looks a little like sarah hyland from modern family
  10. Could it be that these people and their associates are just so dirty that they do actually commit suicide out of guilt or get double tapped for something unrelated to the Clintons?
  11. No PCs were for sale the year I was born. I did have a commodore Vic-20, I wish I still had it.
  12. I have never hit a chick, but man she would be getting punched out cold if she squeezes my boys that hard. And yeah I would.
  13. Not sure they wanted him to as much as they thought he had no chance, so they tossed in their two cents. As stated above to sow discord "when" Killary was coronated. But like the Dems and they underestimated him. Remember, as soon as Trump announced that he was running, they gave him zero chance.
  14. Only Congress can do that !!!! https://www.rollcall.com/news/congress/why-democrats-arent-rushing-to-change-immigration-laws
  15. I'm sure this girl disagrees with you!!! https://www.foxnews.com/us/illegal-immigrant-arrested-after-abducting-raping-new-jersey-teen-cops Lets asks the families of these 4 how like immigrants. https://www.foxnews.com/us/illegal-immigrant-charged-in-4-murders-told-police-he-killed-because-he-needed-money-for-meth Another non threat https://www.timesofisrael.com/bangladeshi-immigrant-charged-with-planning-times-square-attack/
  16. If you can't fight the message frame the messenger. "So, lawyers who look particularly at charity law, the law that governs these kinds of groups that don't have to pay taxes, they said they had never seen anything like this before, for this volume or this pattern of board members to have this kind of financial stake, essentially, in the NRA's spending and business." Try looking at the Clinton foundation with this much scrutiny. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/231363
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