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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. If they buy it themselves I think they have a little more appreciation for it.
  2. 3 - have some dirt on the Clintons !!!
  3. But at least they had to cut a lock on the rail car.
  4. I sure hope they wore protection, if you are dumb enough to leave a gun out while complete strangers wearing masks screw on your bed, you really shouldn't be breeding. And why would you leave your car unlocked? FTA: Gun thefts, according to the Sheriff’s Office, is a worsening plague in Volusia County. So far in 2019, a total of 81 firearms have been stolen out of 72 unlocked vehicles throughout Volusia, Sheriff Mike Chitwood said. In all of 2018, there were 140 such thefts, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
  5. Have to hope she wasn't drinking with a pilot!!! Without more photos I can't say yes or no. Drunk mugshot just doesn't cut it.
  6. Need more info, who is buying and what are they doing with it?
  7. I like B OO B s, and they all smell like fish anyway! Summer Lovers was better than Splash
  8. A blockbuster is a Hollywood movie that's made with a large budget and big stars. A true blockbuster is extremely popular and brings in a lot of money. Typically, a blockbuster is a fabulous summer movie that audiences line up to see the first weekend it's released. You can also call a successful play or a new, popular video game a blockbuster. Less, often, a huge bomb is a blockbuster — this is the word's original, 1940s meaning, from the fact that such a bomb could destroy an entire city block. The entertainment meaning, from the 1950s, began as theater slang. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/blockbuster So just like the term Racist, it's lost it's true meaning.
  9. That's awesome, they will never be able to organize a bake sale!
  10. He must have a good alibi, he wasn't afraid to call the police.
  11. And why should we care what the rest of the world thinks ? ^^^ What he said ^^^
  12. No kidding $6k would take a lot of space!!! During the search, the officer found a large pile of cash, for an amount of $ 6233, rolled up in her *****, including 62 $ 100 bills and the remaining $ 33 made up of a combination of tens, five and ones. https://whatsnew2day.com/woman-23-caught-with-39-meth-in-her-hidden-39-says-they-dont-know-where-the-drugs-came-from But yes I would.
  13. He should move to Chicago or Baltimore!!!
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