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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. you're smart, people like you, you never have to pay for sex.
  2. And I wonder, I wa wa wa wa wonder Why a why why why why why She ran away
  3. The more things change the more they stay the same !!!!!
  4. Some of the women have excellent backhand stroke on that shuttlecock!
  5. Wouldn't it be awesome if they rose this high? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Interior_Seaway
  6. No, I found it at a meat and brew fest a couple weeks ago. Smoke in the Valley
  7. So drink a different beer. I just found a good one, Tres Cabezas Key Lime Gose, from Three heads in Rochester. Vert refreshing on a hot day.
  8. Ha 31 years tomorrow. Went to one U2 concert at Silver stadium with her, that was the last time she picked the band. Crowd was lame, bunch of yuppies standing there staring at the stage.
  9. Dang, those bartenders gave away $90k in a year, I hope their tips reflected that.
  10. I use an LP torch, it takes awhile, especially outside if its cold or windy.
  11. Heat them, the hotter the better. As the cool you can hear them pop off.
  12. must have been a tourist, the French are never in a hurry.
  13. Yuppies that put limes in their corona!!!
  14. better title "what will the dems do for the next 5 years"?
  15. She's a mermaid, How can they charge her for hanging with her friends
  16. So now I am paying for her to visit her Nana? If she wasn't elected would she be granted permission and/or have the finances to go?
  17. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2019/08/15/shocker-philly-shooter-reportedly-has-long-criminal-history-and-illegally-possesses-guns-n2551722?fbclid=IwAR1olbQt2KDxUiR6Kmab-Vvh48_naIRRtwN8_jOJ_BfNigc9p7CkLF9YdO8 But yeah another gun law will stop the shooting!!!
  18. "This administration’s cruel new policy called [Public Charge] is another racist policy that targets the less fortunate & is intended to prevent certain immigrants from becoming citizens & voters. It’s wrong & goes against our values. I will reverse it as president," Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Nor is it "NEW" Congress passed the first comprehensive immigration law in 1882, and that law included a provision to deport immigrants or exclude them from the country on the grounds that they would become a "public charge."
  19. Still the best because we still had the choice. Have you seen some of the loons in European governments?
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