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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Just a few inches and she would have been out of our lives forever, and BJ could have been a free man.
  2. If you want to take my guns, bible or more of my earnings you are a commie. Show me one Dem candidate that hasn't promised to take at least one of those!!!!!!
  3. female reproductive rights ---- murdering babies
  4. Wow, could that article have any less detail, who took her? Have they been arrested? How did they rescue her?
  5. They survive by drinking the blood of the peasants, Elijah must have had a bad donor from the streets of Baltimore!
  6. Corporate Welfare - not raising taxes and/or cutting taxes on companies is not welfare !!!!!!!
  7. Still waiting for the bombshells to stop falling over at the Russian collusion thread.
  8. Are these the people telling you that Trump is a crook?
  9. He neutralized the threat!!! here is an awesome example of that. https://www.policeone.com/active-shooter/articles/cop-shares-gunfight-lessons-from-isis-inspired-draw-the-prophet-terrorist-attack-iV5H704a3jD3VAnz/
  10. Good point, how many times has this happened this month where everyone went home safe?
  11. How the heck did he get up there? Where was security?
  12. had an oil fire once, never use a fire extinguisher for deep oil., slashed back and burned my leg and foot. Put a lid on it or baking soda in it.
  13. His friends are busting on him on facebook https://www.facebook.com/heath.bumpous/timeline?lst=100000135192507%3A100000462662952%3A1570628453
  14. So basically, her career was stalled !!!! SOme shots of her as Jessica 6 from Logan's Run Cosplay, NSFW http://xaharts.org/movie/logans_run.html
  15. Won't need safety classes once they have confiscated all the guns, duh!!!!
  16. If only they had outlawed murder!!!! https://www.yahoo.com/news/knife-attacker-shot-dead-wounding-two-paris-police-003706738.html
  17. Ok, is this as straight forward as the Russia collusion? Piles of evidence, lot's of witnesses, slam dunk case.
  18. None, just like with Trump and the Ukraine Trump comes out stronger every time, why do they continue doing these things? It's as if they want him re elected.
  19. Come at least give him a chance to answer before throwing that out there!!!!
  20. So once someone becomes a candidate for POTUS they can't be investigated?
  21. https://www.wkbw.com/news/national/bride-in-wedding-dress-groom-among-several-arrested-hours-after-wedding Reception $75 per person Tux rental $175 Wedding dress $550 Adding a mugshot to your wedding album Priceless And yeah I would
  22. https://tribunist.com/news/florida-woman-squeeze-her-boyfriends-genitals-until-they-bled-during-heated-argument/
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