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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. https://tediummedia.com/armed-citizens-fast-action-saves-state-trooper-during-an-ambush/?fbclid=IwAR1ckYZm6H9Grm7HixUf7OLkDNCuLBUTHSwFpNgNgFnJ4zFQLmQRwUH0q7k Another bad guy gone!!!
  2. http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-democrats-lay-off-charter-schools-20200130-obmdzdla4bfizfozexxojm64ba-story.html?fbclid=IwAR16I2qLVyPch3fDTQfl-TWpg9Q7CYT4ybAQfMMrkVSkz0JdwODDLXSiUKE Dems love "choice", except when they don't
  3. Crime was going down, so they let all the criminals run free. Without crime they have no way to make you less free with their constant barrage of new "common senses" laws. But the state is $150 closer to closing that $6 billion deficit !!!!!!!!
  4. based on google searches, which is misleading. If you have to search it are you practicing it?
  5. And mow it short, so as soon as it gets hot out it dies.
  6. Probably a fine group of well mannered people from that class !!
  7. Is this a turning point, bombshell walls closing in moment? Or just another nothing burger?
  8. Might even lead to the oceans rising? In other news. https://www.foxnews.com/travel/florida-water-parks-closed-florida-freezing
  9. That would have happened in the last administration, not this one!!!
  10. Any news from the front lines? Are we winning?
  11. Is this your site? http://www.iheartmyteacher.org/index.php?forums/cougars.38/
  12. No more a lie than the title of this thread!!!
  13. Where's the high tide when you need it? No. 2 is part of Australia's problem.
  14. he could just print this and paste it to his monitor. "Heavy breathing, Heavy breathing, Heavy breathing, screaming, grunting"
  15. before I say yes any pics of the third party? Who am I kidding, heck yeah!!!
  16. Saw that live, wanted to throw up. Nancy citing the pledge
  17. Is the war over? Did I miss Trump surrendering to Iran?
  18. Oh come on, you know they need to continue to monitor the situation.!!!!!
  19. Some innuendo when she squirts the whipped topping in her mouth?
  20. Heck yeah, just clip her nails first. And as long as she isn't biting the HSMM it's all good. Well Duh. Need more info to decide. She went to get food during a threesome, must be she forgot a sandwich for him?
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