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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Chris Stevens, Tyrone woods Sean Smith and Glen Dougherty would disagree with that statement.
  2. But not quite as bad as "Requiem for a Dream"
  3. Can't believe it's true, who could make this crap up!!
  4. That video should be on an endless loop until every person has seen it.
  5. I was thinking that they were holding back info too, until the noon presser. It dawn on me that they have been telling us right from the start. We don't have the medical infrastructure to handle the number of patients that we would have had if they hadn't limited interaction. How many of the deaths in Italy are now because they are overwhelmed? If this thing really lives as long as they are saying (17 days) can you imagine how many people could be infected by a single shopping cart?
  6. Claiming that he did not take it seriously. They base their examples on his public statements and ignore the real life steps he took. And then twist his words and claim he said COVID is a hoax.
  7. Which he never did! He called what the dems and shady are doing a hoax.
  8. So stopping travel from China in January wasn't "taking it seriously"?
  9. Correct, but how many of them count on work from the larger corps, diners and cafes count lunch crowds from companies. It's not one or the other. Everything is tied together.
  10. If you are sick or vulnerable stay home, if you absolutely need to go out wear a mask, don't touch your face and wash your hands when you get home. Pretty simple
  11. Listen POTUS Trump talked about chemicals, those imbeciles drank chemicals, therefore #orangemanbad.
  12. I sincerely feel sorry for you.
  13. Please provide evidence I couldn't find any. And not second opinion pieces I want video of him saying corona is a hoax.
  14. A little personal anecdote, my youngest brother in FLA. who constantly bashes the NRA just bought a Kel Tec Sub 2000, a gun that I can't own in NY. Sadly the irony is lost on him.
  15. Not what I said at all. They took drastic measure including mandatory lock downs.
  16. If it was disinfectant and nor just some water vapor to look like they were trying and ease fears.
  17. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/ex-florida-gov-candidate-andrew-gillum-enter-rehab-alcohol-abuse-n1160161 Strangely CNN doesn't mention Mr. Dyson's credentials. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/13/media/andrew-gillum-hotel-inebriated/index.html "a man who, according to local media reports, claimed to be a “pornstar performer” and advertised his services as a gay male escort."
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