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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Anti racist can’t find real racism, creates her own! https://www.newsweek.com/racist-threats-attacks-that-rattled-california-university-campus-were-faked-police-say-1497533?amp=1&__twitter_impression=true
  2. What level of exposure do you think those people have had? Think anyone of them has been to China? Europe?
  3. I'll just leave this here. https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/04/coronavirus-roommate-loneliness-sex.html "The loneliness of isolation has meant that identity is less important than intimacy."
  4. Yeah I had an Asian guy tell me once to always get white rice, fried rice is dirty, they reuse from previous day and break it up with their hands.
  5. My personal habits changed a while ago, I was in a Ponderosa in Geneva NY, went to the restroom and someone from one of the stalls finished their business and walked out without washing. I was turned off by buffets for a long time after that. Now if I do go to buffet, finger foods are first, then I go wash my hands and hit the rest of the buffet. Sometimes I even use a napkin to touch the serving utensils. I hardly ever get sick anymore, have had a couple of cases of food poisoning, one was an under cooked egg roll at a Chinese restaurant in Leroy and the other was K of C in Geneva. I did have a rare form of salmonella once as a teenager, put me in Hospital for a week. I figure if that didn't kill me nothing will.
  6. Major is the beagle, Zeus is the gun shy bird dog.
  7. Yes ammo should be good if its kept dry. I figure they grab the ammo on the way back.
  8. WTH https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04/02/train-derails-usns-mercy-coronavirus/
  9. 49 cases in Steuben county so far 12 hospitalized 1 death. Yet I can't go to my favorite bar. Stupid We are not NYC.
  10. Population density and travel patterns are also key. Western NY here. When I go to work I pass through two doors that may have been touched by 40 or 50 other people, that's it. In NYC when you leave your apartment how many people left before you, then you take a train how many other people have touched those same surfaces before you, then you get to your building and open a door and ride an elevator that how many people also touched?
  11. https://www.navytimes.com/news/coronavirus/2020/04/02/just-18-patients-combined-were-sent-to-the-usns-mercy-comfort-this-week/ 18 patients combined
  12. Any new photos of the field hospital in central park swarmed with victims? Most images are at least a day or 2 old. https://www.google.com/search?q=central+park+field+hospital&safe=active&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj7y-GOjMroAhUWlHIEHYb8AegQ_AUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1548&bih=734
  13. The 2021 numbers will be even more telling, as this picks on ailing people. we should see a decrease in the following year(s)
  14. No we don't, some models suggest we contribute, others not so much.
  15. I wonder why they weren't taking it seriously?
  16. Yes the water was different and it will be different again in the future, and it won't be dependent on me recycling or carbon credits. The article does not give us any info on what is changing the temp of the water. The implication is it's human induced, but provide no substantial data to back it up, just the models they created using their assumptions. And in the end they give a dire warning that may or may not even happen. I recycle, I am currently building some wildlife observation platforms with wood that my employer was going to throw away. I pick up beer cans along the road to the point my kids are embarrassed, I also pick up metal from peoples trash to sell for scrap. So please feel free to lecture me about saving the environment.
  17. I wonder what the average temp was when this picture was taken?
  18. NO It was Monica that blew it, please try to keep up! You mean Ohio?
  19. I don't disagree, I just wonder why do you think she does?
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