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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. combo, paying some bills and maybe another rifle and some ammo.
  2. Generosity comes from ones own wallet, not from other peoples. They stole (or borrowed against future theft) that money from someone else to give it to you.
  3. Because the CCP lied about when this started, the antibody studies are proving it was here before we thought.
  4. Simply not true, if we take measure to safe guard the most susceptible, people can get back to work. I believe the new guidelines take all that into account. https://www.whitehouse.gov/openingamerica/
  5. But was in necessary to fill in skate parks, ban the sale of garden seeds, arrest a surfer and chase a jogger? That is what the protests are about, the authoritarianism is out of control.
  6. It rational and reasonable to protect against any other kind of death. So I have smoke alarms, a fire extinguisher, I see a doctor, take medication, try and eat healthy and exercise, plus I own a dog and a gun. Having or doing any one of those things does not preclude me from doing/having the others, it's not an either or. It's the BSA motto "Be prepared"
  7. So you are saying because it's a rare occurrence it's irrational to prepare for it? Epidemics are rare, I guess that's why Obama didn't replenish the ventilators and masks!!
  8. Yep https://www.analyzingamerica.org/14-shot-in-gun-controlled-chicago-in-just-over-24-hrs/?utm_source=palin&fbclid=IwAR3qfhgzf1-MaGyHqYBu2U1idAJDbMpI6TYyyALgtke8mqeUnSFFz-eUiAY
  9. I have a dog, when if/when he barks in the middle of the night I head for the gun safe!!!
  10. I know the Kleck and Lott studies used FBI data, so that would be domestic only.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_gun_use Estimates over the number of defensive gun uses vary wildly, depending on the study's definition of a defensive gun use, survey design, country, population, criteria, time-period studied, and other factors. Low-end estimates are in the range of 55,000 to 80,000 incidents per year, while high end estimates reach 4.7 million per year. Discussion over the number and nature of DGU and the implications to gun control policy came to a head in the late 1990s
  12. This woman might disagree with you. https://disrn.com/news/65-year-old-tx-woman-shoots-home-invader-dead-after-he-choked-her-73-year-old-husband-unconscious
  13. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01095-0 https://sfist.com/2020/04/17/large-scale-antibody-test-santa-clara-county-prevalence/ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-04-17/coronavirus-antibodies-study-santa-clara-county http://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-chelsea-massachusetts-20200419-qsz2kztiancxddakbgvd76jura-story.html So it was here earlier than thought, or the mitigation didn't work, either way it's not as deadly as we were told.
  14. Yes he should have vetoed the PPP because Pelosi stuck the $25 mil for the every vital Kennedy Center.
  15. Yes that's how it works, they write the Bills and the President signs them. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiKr_XBz-3oAhUpgnIEHRv5CTkQ3ywwAHoECBQQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DFFroMQlKiag&usg=AOvVaw0UnK1AU54bPTwU8Nnv2ci0
  16. Sorry forgot to mention the Rhinos in the house, just hang in there, in after four more years you will see the difference. "tax giveaways to the top 2%" that's funny, as mentioned in another thread, it's their money.
  17. Do you ever play Monopoly? Do you know how you win? Trump plays the long game, the spending now will generate income in the future. The trick, and I am not sure how he will do it, get Pelosi and Schumer to stop spending more than they bring in. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/01/20/how-barack-obama-has-made-20-million-since-arriving-in-washington/#6b128ebd5bf0
  18. over 3 years and you don't have him figured out. He knows he doesn't have the authority to order the states to reopen, but he set the narrative that the Governors have to make the decisions. Which means they can all now open when they want, like Texas is. But it also means the Governors now own all the consequences of opening too early or too late. Come November no one can blame POTUS if we get another surge (doubt it) of the virus, and no one can blame him if their state is an economic wreck because they waited too long to reopen. He is always several steps ahead!
  19. And this is why I laugh at government conspiracy theories. Might use some of mine to buy a new rifle. and pay down some debt.
  20. And if/when it happens again it is going to much more difficult to get people to willing comply, which will likely lead to a much larger disaster. They need to reopen things soon!!! Don't get me wrong I believe the social distancing worked, but I think it needed to be better fitted to certain areas, and not just states but counties also.
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