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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Yeah, last week the guy asked about oil, POTUS asked what the current barrel price was and he didn't know, "Get back to me when you know"
  2. If no one is going to the stores lowering the price won't make it move faster, produce has a shelf life. That is a horrible article, Links to links to links
  3. A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action. @jrober38
  4. Should they have been refused entry or interred in camps? Please just give me one example of what this terrible unfit POTUS should have done!!!! A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action. @Q-baby! @Warren Zevon @SectionC3
  5. Any of the latest chicks in the fitness/workout equipment ads that pop up.
  6. Well that and we need to save the internment camps for the people that defy the stay at home order!!!!
  7. With around 12 case in January POTUS was supposed to tell Americans they couldn't come home?
  8. You are really disappointing me, Trump is horrible, you should be burying me with answers!!! Please just give me one A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action. @Q-baby! @Warren Zevon @SectionC3
  9. So what are we calling Lou Gehrig's and legionnaires disease these days? Asking for a friend
  10. Come on humor me and give me one in the format asked for. He is so terrible it should be easy. We all saw the Kung Flu coming so we had plenty of time to come up with solutions. @Q-baby! @SectionC3 @Warren Zevon A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action.
  11. Forming a task force and banning foreign nationals from entering US from china wasn't taking the Kung Flu seriously?
  12. Okay so I will give the class an example A. POTUS bans travel of foreign nationals from China 2: January 29, 2020 #: January 20, 2020 WHO announces Kung Flu is transmitted Human to human Trump is such a total moron this should be very simple for you guys. @Q-baby! @SectionC3 @Warren Zevon please explain to me in regards to the Kung Flu (aka Covid-19) A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action.
  13. FEMA. Has 14,000 employees the director makes 120-170k a year, Witt a budget of $18bil but POTUS should have had them prepared for a virus that didn’t exist 6 months ago.
  14. Come on you can do it. A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action.
  15. F- you failed I asked for dates and reasons, not generic talking points
  16. Yep and I want you to tell me what he should have done Come on shouldn't be hard, you have all the answers!!! @Warren Zevon @SectionC3 @Q-baby! please explain in regards to the Kung Flu (aka Covid-19) A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action.
  17. well this sure went to heck in a hurry, so to get it back on track I would like someone to please explain to me in regards to the Kung Flu (aka Covid-19) A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action.
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