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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. No misleading is saying he flipped, ne never said Georgia should open he let the Governor make the decision. and when asked he said he disagrees with it. NOT A FLIP.
  2. When did POTUS say Georgia should open back up? Let me help you, he didn't.
  3. My approach? that's almost as funny as calling Covid-19 the Kung Flu.
  4. Where is his flip. Did Georgia get to Phase 1 of the guidelines? https://www.whitehouse.gov/openingamerica/
  5. I never said Kung Flu is funny, actually it is very dangerous. I just said it's not racist, because Kung Flu is chinese and Chinese is not a race
  6. Hapless asked to keep post to a minimum in that thread, I haven't been a part of that discussion so I have nothing to add to it, just like you have nothing to add anywhere because you are an NPC that spews nonsense and name calling.
  7. Back up your nonsense and tell me how it's racist when Chinese is not a race.
  8. rac·ist /ˈrāsəst/ noun noun: racist; plural noun: racists a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another. Chinese is not a race.
  9. Was that said while the WHO was still lying for the Chinese and denying it was spread human to human, or after they fessed up? No me. Kung Flu is Chinese, Chinese not a race.
  10. Sorry that's your area of expertise Not a racist bone in my body, but I do have a big funny bone. By the way Chinese is not a race.
  11. No you and others here and in the media said he didn't act soon enough.
  12. They wont answer @Warren Zevon @SectionC3 @Q-baby! @BillStime @daz28 please explain in regards to the Kung Flu (aka Covid-19) A: what actions POTUS should have taken 2: when he should have implemented each action, exact dates please #: and what the key factor that would have triggered each action. #orangemanbad
  13. If they are going to ask a question they should know the subject!! Instead of just asking gotcha questions.
  14. She was the one that asked the question about the 2% of people tested. Never mind that is 2% of 390 million. She was maybe 5 or 6. But yeah I would
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