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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. No he kept saying they had it, but he never presented it. Just kept talking about it. You would think there would be an email or phone call transcript or something.
  2. will he be providing the evidence soon? https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/21/adam-schiff-collusion-trump-1283786 Schiff: ‘Ample evidence of collusion in plain sight’
  3. If masks really work why can't we open all of NY?
  4. And if Killary had won, this all would have had a dose bleachbit, and we would have never known!!!!
  5. Anyone notice that so far during this investigation nothing is leaked? Either it's declassified or received by FOIL request. Such a strange way to run an investigation.
  6. The lie sounds better with a deadline, if they leave it open end no one listens. Plus it means we have to move fast, so no time to discuss and/or review the data.
  7. Not bad about a Trillion dollars per. Money well spent
  8. Had seen this posted yet! https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/19/world/solar-minimum-scn-trnd/index.html
  9. Draining the swamp !!!, which is why he was elected.
  10. Flynn May have taken one for the team to help drain the swamp. Not sure if they could have exposed how high it went if they did not let it play out.
  11. In Creepy Joes defense, he had no idea what it meant. is now a good time to share this again?
  12. How is he ignoring them, they wrote and published the phased reopening guidelines. A 95% decrease in deaths should definitely be considered a success.
  13. Experts said it would be 1-2 million, 80k is a success.
  14. I wish her or trump would hold this up when they ask dumb questions like that.
  15. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/shocking-two-thirds-patients-recently-hospitalized-ny-had-been-staying-n1201421 What?
  16. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/public-health/2020/04/28/judge-orders-dallas-salon-to-close-after-owner-refused-to-follow-emergency-orders/ I could use a little trim.
  17. Did we flatten the curve? Then Mission accomplished
  18. I did, its crap. no facts "The claim: The coronavirus would weaken" - Not a lie "The truth: It’s too early to tell if the virus’s spread" - not a fact Stopped reading at that point, I won't read that garbage.
  19. And we never hit capacity and are finding out more and more people have the antibodies. I believe we are safe. Sadly they keep feeding us partial info to keep us scared and under control!!!
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