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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Stop posting non peer reviewed hoaxes about cover ups!
  2. No they aren't, they don't kill innocent 3 year olds.
  3. not sure this had anything to do with trust of police. https://fox6now.com/2020/06/21/3-year-old-shot-and-killed-in-chicagos-austin-neighborhood/
  4. Talking to yourself again? People in Chicago are killing each other because of distrust of cops? Man that's some stupid *****
  5. So? More people are killed by drunk drivers every year than died on 9-11. More POC were killed in Chicago over the weekend then killed by cops this year.
  6. https://theblackwallsttimes.com/2017/07/20/black-family-structure-in-decline-since-the-1960s-the-home-effect/
  7. @GregPersons Here is your definition of racism
  8. The unions support the democrats, the democrats give the unions raises, rinse and repeat
  9. Well Cuomo is doing his best to piss off the teachers also.
  10. Not in Chicago !!!! It's a gun free zone!!!
  11. Tucker Carlson broke it down last week. 10 were unarmed and most of them physically attacked an LEO before being shot.
  12. If we need "Systematic change" we need to change the people who created and run the current systems.
  13. Well to be fair, if they go through with it Minneapolis will disappear, so either way problem solved.
  14. And who created and runs the systems with the most problems? Let me help you Democrats.
  15. Not sure on the food front, but I really want to go fishing. BOC was my first concert, at Alfred State college, couldn't even drive, mom dropped us off. GO GO GODZILLA, loved the huge head and smoke.
  16. Why web MD says About 8 in 10 people who get COVID-19, the disease caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, will have only mild illness. But what exactly does that mean? . However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%. https://www.webmd.com/lung/covid-recovery-overview?fbclid=IwAR263xBwb7Jr1JTXAUft4rxi1lXC72FZAn-UQrttKcG5oXs8w21an4Ip9Dc#1 I am starting to think that whole thing about phase 2 was an act, to test the waters, to see how much push back he would get.
  17. I think the tide is turning! There will still be some sheeple, but I think most are getting tired of it. I hate his voice
  18. Now the douche is change the rules as he goes. We met the metrics time to open https://www.syracuse.com/coronavirus/2020/05/reopening-ny-international-experts-will-review-data-before-phase-2-begins-cuomo-says.html?fbclid=IwAR2LaAM9P8pv1GI1i12hqO1G7AKqL7FGEFyjPzlDoWh2Ax1Eu5xKk00gUsA
  19. I hate to see anyone loose their job, but in this case were they really working, or just being paid to be themselves?
  20. Trump has not weaponized immigration, he has made slowing illegal immigration a plank in his platform. Please stop conflating legal and illegal immigration.
  21. You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. Rahm Emanuel
  22. All I could find was a conversation that Trump wanted to build a hotel.
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