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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Someone posted the tweet from the guy running the hospitals, it's exactly what he said, we are testing more people. Younger healthier patients were not being testing if they had mild symptoms.
  2. You do know that under those hoods are are democrats, you know the ones that were opposed to emancipation and the civil rights act, you know that right?
  3. It's a factor of the increased availability of tests.
  4. In NY most are being carried away, to funeral homes.
  5. negative. Florida cases have been climbing for weeks, yet the death rate remains constant. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/florida/ Texas cases have been climbing for weeks, yet deaths rate remains constant https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/texas/
  6. So? Everyone will get covid, it won't go away until that happens. Did we flatten the curve and give hospitals the time to prepare or not?
  7. Correct and if they are going to talk abut reparations let's start here https://theculturetrip.com/africa/ghana/articles/ghana-s-slave-castles-the-shocking-story-of-the-ghanaian-cape-coast/ My wife and daughter visited one of the castles when they went to Ghana with our priest who was from Ghana. They keep the castles to remember their part in the slave trade.
  8. Do you ever tell them to stop or do you join in so they like you or because you too are a racists?
  9. More antibodies than they thought. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cdc-says-covid-19-cases-u-s-may-be-10-n1232134?fbclid=IwAR24KsGfUfJNpSpw1SnTNUeQbb34FqijLR3XY5asBzUNmZkbqGOunQK2ZYQ
  10. BS fake news and you know it. I don't disagree with that. CDC: 10,600 employees budget $11.9 billion. Dept of HHS 80,000 employees Budget $1.26 Trillion, FEMA : 10,056 employees Budget $13.5 trillion. What are we getting fo rour money?
  11. Only because the general public doesn't understand how to use them properly. I see people set them down with the inside on the surface of a table or bar. I watch people walk around with them under their noses. I watch people handle them constantly without disinfecting their hands. Shall I go on? Now why would you need that info?
  12. Because masks are worthless and this won't go away until everyone is immune. We either need antibodies (by contracting Covid) or a vaccine. Not sure why this is so hard for everyone to understand.
  13. Why, no one was coming here any way!!!! ?
  14. 1/3 to 1/2 of NY population should be immune due to antibodies, if we trust the science he should welcome the business
  15. They can't push mail-in-ballots if there is no fear.
  16. How many need ICU? How many have something else? Asking for a friend
  17. It should actually increase 2-3 weeks after hospitalizations, which started increasing week 17, but we haven't seen an overall increase in deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html
  18. Looks like the deaths in Florida are declining also. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/96dd742462124fa0b38ddedb9b25e429 https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/
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