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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. And here's to many, many more. Or Mandy Moore which ever you prefer. http://cdn-channels.netscape.com/gallery/i/m/moore/lg1a.jpg
  2. Why is it called retouched, when they are doing it for the first time?
  3. What is the age of consent for gerbils?
  4. "Although she says she is still healing, McPhee, Teen People's August cover girl, tells the magazine: "I'm really starting to embrace my curves."" I'd like to embrace her curves.
  5. The Bull People Iced: Twenty One Car Bombs Planted: Twenty One Favorite Weapon: Bottle Rockets Arms Broken: Fifteen Eyes Gouged: Thirty One Tongues Cut Off: One Biggest Enemy: Sneaky Pete
  6. The girls will be doing soft porn and the guys will be selling stupid t-shirts on the internet.
  7. Screw him. His 15 minutes are over.
  8. I thought they were birthcontrol targets.
  9. Rapists get the firing squad in Vietnam. "Prosecutors did not have enough evidence to charge the 61-year-old Glitter with the more serious count of child rape, which carries a maximum penalty of death by firing squad" http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,18093,00.html
  10. I heard that they are going to use them as sand bags to stop the flooding from Alberto.
  11. Jim Kelly broke a guys leg for intercepting one of his passes. He is the "MAN"
  12. All the more reason to hate soccer and the guys that play.
  13. At least 1400, who played before 1977. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/5356696 2488 with an average age of 58 in this one. http://www.boston.com/sports/articles/2003...t_much_headway/ http://www.csra.unc.edu/statistics.htm I guess this debunks his theory.
  14. He is a real PIG. http://media.scout.com/Media/Image/24/244459.jpg
  15. From the Article. In March, it removed a listing for a black BMW apparently belonging to Columbine High School killer Dylan Klebold. Boy, he sure had it tough. Hope he is rotting in Hell.
  16. JP looked pretty accurate on the three TD's to Lee Evans in the first quarter of the Dolphins game. I think Roscoe Parrish should be the starting QB, he has 100% completions, and no sacks. http://www.nfl.com/teams/stats/BUF
  17. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
  18. You don't like drunk mosquitos?? You bigot.
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