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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. If they work why are we not fully open now, i understand the democrat caused shortage of masks early on, but now we have plenty. We should be fully open
  2. You're wrong, they don't agree, I have seen estimates of 15% to 43% never saw 65-75%
  3. I think Trump wins in a landslide, the curtain has been pulled back and the dems have been exposed for the socialist/marxists that they are. They allowed the riots and destruction, they killed grandmas, and violated our trust with the extended shutdowns. That is not what most Americans want. 6.5 million background checks Jan 01, 2020 til April 30 2020, those are new Trump voters, because the old trump voters already had their "arsenals". How many are asymptomatic or testing positive for antibodies? How many hospitalizations/deaths, or are we not talking about that? Just throwing out the big numbers from all the testing to incite panic. a percentage of the population has to get corona to reach HIT (herd immunity threshold) which is estimated at 20-40% is anyone tracking that number? Lets go with 30% that means 98,400,000 Americans have to test positive before we are at the HIT. With 3.2 million testing positive we are at 3.2%
  4. Or government employees are finally getting back to work after the holiday, will have to check the data in two weeks
  5. And of the 650 how many led to hospitalization and/or death?
  6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sethcohen/2020/07/08/rep-ilhan-omar-wants-to-dismantle-economic-oppression/#4983bca41960 “As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality,” Omar said
  7. The virus is not ravaging the country, the democrats and marxists are. ?
  8. So what! Green is recovered (91.17%), orange is fatality (8.83%)
  9. New York City contact tracers have been instructed not to ask New Yorkers if they've attended any protests, The City reported https://www.businessinsider.com/nyc-contact-tracers-not-asking-people-attend-george-floyd-protest-2020-6?amp&fbclid=IwAR0sAfNqYJWelJDqsJYdvr8EV32AwgI5MmjV1XtofUSQDlBppmHqQPEsS80
  10. Must be waiting on polling data because with Kung Flu cases/deaths declining daily this should be a slam dunk.
  11. Can you swim? Brain Damage Caused by Drowning Anoxic brain injury (ABI), a common consequence of oxygen deprivation caused by drowning, can cause severe neurological damage in people who survive. When the brain is deprived of oxygen, brain cells can begin to die within five minutes.Feb 25, 2019
  12. FTA "COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, is largely a respiratory illness that affects the lungs, but neuroscientists and specialist brain doctors say emerging evidence of its impact on the brain is concerning." Well yeah the brain needs oxygen. So they will all vote democrat!!
  13. Could the big jump be a lag in the reporting over a holiday weekend?
  14. Looks like two piles of ***** to me Not sure how much he makes, but he's the highest paid gov. in the USA
  15. And you speak from experience. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2020/p0130-coronavirus-spread.html https://thehill.com/policy/defense/505164-pentagon-no-corroborating-evidence-to-validate-bounty-allegations
  16. Positives are increasing, because they are testing younger people with milder symptoms, who were not being tested before, and don't need hospitalization. All the while deaths are declining.
  17. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cdc-says-covid-19-cases-u-s-may-be-10-n1232134 FTA: The assessment comes from looking at blood samples across the country for the presence of antibodies to the virus. For every confirmed case of COVID-19, 10 more people had antibodies, Redfield said, referring to proteins in the blood that indicate whether a person's immune system has previously fought off the coronavirus.
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