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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. "New leadership is supposed to provide a new direction. Explain again how Peerless Price is a new direction? " Yeah, scoring TDs on long passes is old hat for the Bills.
  2. Bills win on a 58 yd Lindell FG. ESPN blames it on the Pats having an off day, but rest assured the Bills will finish 1-15, and the Pats will come back to win the division.
  3. Maybe he didn't see it.? Some of the plays he called made it seemed like he was watching a different game.
  4. Get out you Negative Nancy, you are no real Bills fan.
  5. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...9/609010334&tbd "Storyline you'll hear in December: To Quinn or not to Quinn? Many NFL experts are prognosticating that the Bills will end the season among the NFL's bottom five teams. And that will put them in the middle of the Brady Quinn sweepstakes. Quinn is Notre Dame's stud quarterback and very likely a top draft pick in February. Storyline A will probably follow the Bills' final few games and see them needing losses over wins in order to get a shot at snagging Quinn. Storyline B will be whether or not the Bills should give up on the relatively unseasoned yet mostly ineffective Losman. "
  6. Losmans first pass should have been returned for six, but the LB couldn't hold on and Price caught it. After that they were smooth, WM had some nice holes, and was able to change direction when the holes filled. Robert Royal had a nice catch on a screen made a guy miss and went for 20 yds.
  7. Dump KH and keep them all. If they don't the ones they do keep will get tired from all the long TD catchs.
  8. Change your sig line, you have 9/5
  9. Do you buy the phone card online?
  10. Mine does That's why I have 6 kids. I think I should go back to my pump.
  11. Me either, I think his poll was rigged. He definitely had a rig for his pole.
  12. My kids will have to learn a whole new song. http://www.naoj.org/staff/kumiko/Outreach/...planetsong.html
  13. The convention decided to strip Pluto of it's title after a second failed urine sample for planet-enhancing steroids. Pluto denies the allegations and alleges that the samples were tampered with by other orbiting masses, principally the Earth's Moon. "I've been a planet for 76 years, man and boy," said the outer space object. "I've worked hard to get where I am today and no planet enhancing drugs would change that. Now they want to tell me I am more of a moon to Neptune than a planet of the Sun! It's an outrage!" In a statement, the Earth's moon said: "I haven't been within 3,647,240,000 miles of Pluto in many hundreds of years. There is no way I could possibly of tampered with urine samples given by Pluto. I am proud to serve the Earth with night time illumination and it is absurd that anyone would think I would be jealous of Pluto's planetary status. But we must face facts, and in this ever contracting universe be comfortable to call a spade a spade." The conference continues. 750682[/snapback] I think we need to search Uranus for evidence. Bravo, that was funny.
  14. Are you going to play the yahoo league with just six teams?
  15. Unless they have the funeral in New Zealand http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060823/od_nm/...aland_parade_dc
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