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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Not bad. I like this: http://rock103online.com/cc-common/otd_pag...onth=1112331600 http://rock103online.com/cc-common/otd_pag...onth=1114920000 And This: http://rock103online.com/cc-common/otd_pag...onth=1091332800
  2. I doubt they would do anything. We get them in town once in awhile, and some of my friends have had them tear down their birdfeeders. I have a great bear story. Me, my brother and a friend were rabbit hunting in Feb this year. We came up on a big brush pile that had some coyote tracks heading into it. The beagles went under the pile and started barking and came running back out. So I figured there was a coyote in there and was going to shoot it. So I pushed through the brush so I could look into the den under the pile, I had to almost crawl to where I could see. Well it wasn't a coyote, it was a 250-300 pound black bear that the dogs had woke up, it was yawning and I was about 15 feet from it, I could see all it's teeth. Now I'm think if this is a sow I am in big trouble. My brother had a single shot 20 ga and a .22 pistol, my buddy had a pump .410 (not even close to bear calibers), and I was so tangled that I couldn'y even lift my gun, so I start backpeddling out of the pile, trip and fall down. I hear my brother say here it comes, I roll over and start running, I hear my brother start shooting his pistol so I look over my shoulder and the two of them are laughing. The bear ran away from us. I can laugh now, but that was too close for comfort.
  3. Picturing JDG with his head on fire made me LOL.
  4. Ditto. I have just one goat. The crowd, I know the weather was bad, but they were dead after the INT, and bailed a little early.
  5. I was screaming, "Drop it" It would have stopped the clock.
  6. After the on side kick he really seemed to lose control, but I think the ball was slick.
  7. A case of Budlight would do it.
  8. I voted for you, because I can never finish reading any of the other candidates posts, so I don't know if they truely qualify.
  9. I never said it was all JPs fault. I understand he expects a block, but the guy ran up to line before the snap, maybe he could have audibled to a run. My overall point is that the turnovers contributed directly to the loss, and while they can't be eliminated at least two could have been prevented.
  10. I never said he held it too long. The pocket was collapsing (or non existant) on those two plays. JP needs to get rid of it (or take off) when that happens. I think he was getting decent time the rest of the day.
  11. The turnovers cost them 10 points. How much did they lose by?
  12. 10 points, that's what the Offense gave the Jets. How much did they lose by?
  13. Agreed, but he has to see that coming and get rid of it, just a little on the job training. And it did cost them points.
  14. How do you figure that? The first fumble was at the Jets 19, it was 3rd and 4, if JP throws it away, they get a FG. The second fumble (the TD) was first an 10 on the Bills 33, if he throws that one away, no harm done. I know you think this D should never give up a big play and every game should be a shut-out, but they played well enough to win yesterday, but JP gave away the game. And that come from a BIG JP FAN.
  15. On both fumbles he went through his reads and still held the ball. When everyone is covered, THROW IT AWAY!!!!!
  16. While I agree that the D was soft yesterday, I really think it was the 3 turnovers that lost them the game, the first fumble could have been a FG the second one was returned for a TD, and the INT was just plain stupid. On both fumbles I was screaming throw it away, I loved seeing him go through his reads, but when everyone is covered, THROW IT AWAY!!!!!!!!
  17. I think the OL gave JP lots of time, and JP got too comfortable and when the pressure came he wasn't ready to throw it away. The first fumble was 3-4 at the Jets 19, if he throws it away there is 3 points. The second one was first and 10 at the Bills 33, I think they were going deep on this one, if he throws it away, they still have the ball.
  18. I believe GE is just trying to be entertaining, and I personally found it so.
  19. This should work for you, she is attractive. http://www.experiencethescene.com/
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