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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Yes black lives matter, except the million of black babies killed by PP, or the hundreds shot in Chicago,Atlanta, Baltimore, NYC every year by their brothers
  2. When POTUS gets his second term, if the riots continue I'm sure he will call in the guard. At that point he will have nothing to lose. So they falsely impeach him again, won't find him guilty and he will finish the term. Pretty sure that the only reason he hasn't used the guard now is that he knows the unrest is helping him. Which is a little disingenuous, but he didn't start it.
  3. I disagree, I believe that every word and every tweet is calculated. I know i know some of it is dumb stuff, but he plays the long game. We may not see it at the time but when you look at what he says in the context of things that happen it becomes clearer.
  4. BULL, without testing they don't know the total numbers of asymptomatic people so their numbers are incomplete. When this is finally over every state and country will have the same percentage of positives, that's how virus' work.
  5. Exactly Decisions (mostly bad) were made with bad/little/no information.
  6. ahh the human superiority complex, man cannot beat nature.
  7. BS look at the numbers, cases surged after the shut down. The virus was already here and spreading. Because they thought if you got it you died they didn't test asymptomatic people we didn't know how far spread it was.
  8. There is no defeating it, there is only reducing the negative impact (remember slow the spread,) the virus actually defeats itself by infecting people and either killing them or making them immune. The idea that cuomo or POTUS or any other politician can mandate this virus away is the real lie.
  9. I'm think when they hit the same numbers percentage wise as NY in number of cases, their deaths will be lower because well Cuomo killed grandma.
  10. It is very likely that Acosta gave him a light sentence because he or his boss at the time was on one of JEs videos!!!!
  11. And I will believe that when this stops happening. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/508270-connecticut-discovers-at-least-90-false-positive-coronavirus-tests https://www.newsday.com/news/health/covid19-false-positives-coronavirus-long-island-nassau-suffolk-1.47101663 https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/coronavirus-false-positive/289-e88acbc3-b15f-4d54-a7c7-b157b6b6384e
  12. I don't think they are, or in New York, yet NY cases are still declining. Almost like the virus has peak and is. Also I watch people that do wear masks, touching the inside with out sanitizing hands first, setting them with the inside down on surfaces. horrible sanitary practices.
  13. Or if you thought wearing masks would stop it. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/one-month-after-statewide-mask-mandate-california-daily-case-average?fbclid=IwAR08ZGyoddvQPrrsGWYZWJqEo06A5zndvq31-IS66zNu4PyjF2v-jYWmVW0
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