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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. My point wasn't that they didn't try. It was that they didn't succeed.
  2. I like being bitter. Man does this team suck.
  3. off course he does, they don't see what they do as terrorism. He doesn't deny being a member of the wheather underground does he?
  4. If I remember correctly in the early days of the "Gay" movement the motto was "stay out of our bedrooms". I thinkt the don't ask don't tell goes right along those lines. But the "gays" have changed to an in your face attitude, which just begs for attitude back at them.
  5. Right, because our President elect hangin' with a self avowed domestic terrorist isn't news worthy. We should spend more time looking into the wardrobe spending of the Governor of Alsaka.
  6. Right, because the bad guys will sure as hell abide by our policies.
  7. I'm still mad Ronnie Harmon dropped that ball in 1989.
  8. Not if they run the table and the Jets lose two , and NE loses 1, Venus and Jupiter align, the Democrats win total control and the north and south pole switch. Got it?
  9. That's also the day I will hit the lottery.
  10. Just Curious, did you agree with Herm Edwards 2 pt try to win two weeks ago?
  11. Ouch. I would think that they would finally fix the OL this offseason and be able to make the play-offs next year. But 2010, man are you down on this team.
  12. It did look like like RR stopped and turned to soon, and then was unable to adjust to the throw.
  13. Hey, stop that. Trent says he's fine. I have to believe that.
  14. The only thing Jauron did right all night was to leave TE in. If they pull him all they are doing is repeated the mistakes they made with JP. The only time JP should take the field is if TE gets hurt.
  15. I can't and won't speak for JSP, but I never said that JP was great, I did try to point out how bad the OL and play calling were and still are. The problem was not the QB position. Yes the QBs have been bad the last two years, but they are not the root cause. Go Bills
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