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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I thought you were talking about every one the Bills play.
  2. The QB doesn't take the field alone, not JP, Trent or the Chroisen one will be able to lead this bunch of over paid under acheiving slugs to a victory.
  3. Um, Jauron started TE this year, and they are still losing games. Is that JPs fault?
  4. How do we know it wasn't him calling the plays in the redzone?
  5. So you trust the bunch of clowns that have been the head coaches here, to make that decision?
  6. Young players can not develop in such a poorly run team. A beating in Toronto will kill their confidence and any chemistry they are developing. The future is bleak.
  7. NO, because it was an inflated record against bad teams. Same as last year, all this team can do is beat bad teams and some times not even them.
  8. This was my argument for the past 2 years. The problem was play calling and OL.
  9. Crying for the stupid of the world. http://happybunny.orbitearthstores.com/ima...ouSuckLarge.jpg
  10. I am definitely a "told you so" kind of guy. So I have no qualms saying, I said this all last year. I am happy that other people are starting to catch on. It's just to bad the Bills wasted another season.
  11. TE: "Concussion, I don't remember getting a concussion."
  12. While I am pouring beer, I get a lot of feedback from the Canucks. They love to go to the games but the ticket prices are too high at the Roger's Center. They will have to lower them to sell out the games.
  13. Throw his what under the Lexus?
  14. What's the over under on ruined QBs under DJ? Who's the chick?
  15. Brady, Peyton, Favre, Romo, none of these guys could make this Bills team play better.
  16. Neither can Trent, are you seeing the pattern yet?
  17. The QB is not the problem. Yesterday should have made this crystal clear This team is a mess.
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