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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I have been saying this since 4:00 Sunday, where have you been? But most of the folks here blame JP, he is supposed to know that Peters won't block the blitzer and throw the ball away. The guy they all think sucks is supposed to play better than the Probowl left tackle that held out.
  2. Why? He may not be very good but at least JP was trying on that play. The Bills had the game in hand and because Jason Peters decided to take the play off the Jets won. Your play makers should play every down, not just when they feel like it.
  3. I just think if they resign him it would be nutter at TSW than when they started RJ over Flutie.
  4. NO he didn't, and after rewatching it, I think Lynch was supposed to go left and help with the blitzing safety, because McIntyre went right and chipped the blitzer from the right side and was open.
  5. WRONG I just rewatched it. JP not only recognized the blitz, he points right at the safety.
  6. I didn't word that right, I meant he never set his feet, he dropped back and started running from the blitz. He did see the blitzer coming. I watched it 4 times last night. And I will watch it again at lunch time. And I will guarantee that Jason Peters whiffs each and every time. He gets paid to block, and he didn't.
  7. See, that's the problem, you are so infatuatied with JP being bad you don't care that the rest of the team and the coaches are horrible. I have been pointing out limp dick's bad play calling for two years, it his job to put his players in a position to win. JP played a good game yesterday, for JP. Jauron blew it, just like the Dallas, Denver and Cleveland games last year. He can't manage the clock and chokes in the redzone. Jason Peters complety wiffed on his assignment, yet nobody seems to care. His non block lead to the sack and fumble. He lost the game not JP. JP was on the run from the snap of the ball , I know he should have thrown it away, which I believe he was trying to do when he was hit from behind. Trent only plays 3/4 of a season, who is going to LEAD this team to victories next year?
  8. JP read the blitz. He did not drop way too deep, he started running for the sideline immediately after the snap. Jason Peters job was to stop the blitzing S, he did not even slow him down. Peters planted his feet and extended his arms, giving him no chance to engage the S. It was a bad play call, they should have handed it to ML and been done with it.
  9. But they called the same crap plays last year also, we blamed Fairchild, maybe it was limp dick all along?
  10. Yup, and just when we thought it was a done deal they tore our hearts out.
  11. Damn, I thought this thread involved explosives.
  12. You left out the part about Jason Peters actually making a block.
  13. JP will be gone next year and this team will continue to be bad, who will you blame it on then?
  14. No, just trying my hand at this haiku thing.
  15. Sorry I thought it was about players that did not do their jobs well today.
  16. You must be watching the wrong game, JP has no touch on the ball.
  17. LT Jason Peters paid to block stands and watches
  18. Jason Peters barely touched his man, but it's all JP's fault. You should try actually watching the game.
  19. You call a play and assume that your left tackle can actually block. Run the !@#$ing ball.
  20. Jason peters barely touched his man on the fumble for the TD.
  21. On the fumble for the TD peters planted his feet, extended his arms and his guy ran untouched to force the fumble. They should hav been running the ball.
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