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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Cali is hardly red, viruses don't care about politics, and as I said earlier those states are catching up. virus gonna virus. BTW the top 8 combined still don't have as many deaths as NY, so I would have to say NY had the worst response possible.
  2. More evidence every day that behavior has little to do with the spread. Virus gonna virus
  3. simply not true, the curve looks the same just happens at different time intervals depending on first exposure.
  4. Maybe because we are doing more than any other country every day!!
  5. Actually the dems promote all those things, the msm is the propaganda arm of the DNC, they hate the NRA and fund Planned parenthood. That is what insanity looks like on paper.
  6. If he doesn't like it, it's misinformation/lies, it really is that simple
  7. Looks like he is telling JE that if he touches another waitress he will shoot him.
  8. The democrats have gift wrapped it for him. And the best part they think just the opposite is happening.
  9. God no, I want to see how this plays out. ?
  10. How dare they forget to fund the Kennedy center and planned parenthood And just another 30872 deaths to catch up to cuomos record
  11. I wonder where those geniuses ended up?
  12. oh oh , Florida, Texas and Cali are all seeing the daily new cases drop.
  13. So we can fire people for old texts, tweets, emails, and jokes, but we should just forget about an outgoing president spying on the newly elected POTUS. That's rich
  14. CDC has 10,600 employees, $11.1 Billion budget FEMA 11,300 employees $28.7 billion budget Dept Of HHS 79,500 employees $1.2 Trillion What exactly did he cut? WHO announced Jan 17 that Kung Flu (aka Covid 19 is transmitted Human to Human. https://www.statnews.com/2020/01/21/who-raises-possibility-of-sustained-human-to-human-transmission-of-new-virus-in-china/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-outbreak-task-force-created-by-trump-to-lead-us-government-response-to-wuhan-virus/ So shut up
  15. DEJA VU I could swear I heard those same lines when NY started to decline in numbers.
  16. Can I get that with a wrap instead, watching my carbs
  17. If they had any nuts!!! Looks like Florida, Texas and Cali are starting to burnout and numbers are dropping. What will they cry about next
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