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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Special teams got flagged 5 kicks in a row Saturday. I quit watching after that.
  2. But it's all we have. One more time, the O-line and coaching are the real problems!!!!!
  3. Been there done that. they need to fix the OLine, until they do the QB carousel will continue.
  4. That was an un-acceptable excuse when JP was the QB. But true none the less. Until the OL is better any QB will struggle. Some people will never understand that.
  5. Thta's right, you should all be gratefull for the team and you should conitnue to shell out thousands of dollars for tickets and merchandise even though they suck.
  6. I think people were just tired of Kuhl. Any politician with this open "I know more than you" attitude can't be re-elected.
  7. Endzone: small area at each end of a football field, in Buffalo it is reserved for the mascot and cheerleaders.
  8. You say that as if it's a bad thing.
  9. Maybe his son is going to come home a little "tattered and beaten". He should stick to his guns.
  10. Come on, at 14 you would have banged her too. In his defense they were drunk a couple of the times.
  11. Finally some one hits the nail on the head. This wasn't just another preseason game. This was the HOF game where the Owner of the team and the best DE the team will ever have were just inducted, and they played like it was an non televised scrimmage. This team has no fight, no pride and no heart. They do not deserve our constant support. Go BILLS
  12. I don't know why anyone would want to fire Dick. With his impressive win-loss record, his complete domination of teams with losing records, his mind blowing game plans and his awe inspiring in game adjustments. Firing Dick should not even be mentioned.
  13. I didn't realize he was on the kick off team.
  14. "Once their hearings are over, they are either sent back to the classroom or fired. But because their cases are heard by 23 arbitrators who work only five days a month, stints of two or three years in a rubber room are common, and some teachers have been there for five or six."
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