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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. Obstructing the Obama socialist agenda is a good thing.
  2. Only to watch him die behind the Bills pitiful O-Line.
  3. Are there really women out there that need to pay for it?
  4. Which magic hat. I had their odd notion at a halloween party and it was like drinking liquid coal. I do like yeungling,Bass and Smithwick's, but keystone light fits my budget, 12.99 for a 30 pack, and 1.50 for 16 oz drafts at a local club.
  5. An O-line that can block well for both run and pass plays. A defense that can stop the opposition on third and long.
  6. I understand that. I just have trouble with the people who claim the evidence is in and that there is a concensus.
  7. That might have been me. JK I have seen people passed out before the game started. I always wonder if their friends sold their ticket?
  8. I thought research was to discover things, not hide them.
  9. Or an episode of "Bill Nye the science guy"
  10. A group of "scientists" discussed changing data and prevented other scientists from publishing contratary data. They also discussed contacting others to not let data be know. Sounds to me like a conspiracy. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conspiracy Hey, check this out a liberal calling people names. "The CRU’s supporters have protested bitterly about the attention paid to this message. In the course of an extraordinary BBC interview in which he called an American critic an ‘****hole’ live on air, Jones’s colleague Professor Andrew Watson insisted that the fuss was completely unjustified, because all Jones had been talking about was ‘tweaking a diagram’. "
  11. Obama asked us to judge him by the people that surround him. Well this list tells me all I need to know. Tim Geithner - Tax cheat Kathleen Sebelius - Tax cheat Tom Dascle - Tax cheat Kevin Jennings - Safe School Czar - cofounder and executive director of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), told attendees at a GLSEN conference over a decade ago that he looked forward to the day when promoting homosexuality in schools will be seen in a positive light. Van Jones - Green Jobs Czar - Admitted racist, avowed communist John Holdren - Science Czar - Supports FORCED Sterylization, and the drugging of drinking water Cass Sunstein - Regulatory Czar - Wants to ban hunting, ban guns, give animals lawyers, and the right to sue. Monitor, and control internet blogging etc. Mark Lloyd - FCC Diversity Czar - Hugo Chavez admirer, and racist who wants qualified whites to step down to make room for minorities and gays, AND also wants to silence free speech conservative radio, by implementing a 100% tax on talk radio operating costs.. Harold Koh - State Dept Legal Advisor - Says "Sharia Law could apply to disputes in US courts" Adolfo Carrion - Urban Czar - Pocketed thousands of dollars in campaign cash from city developers whose projects he approved or funded with taxpayers' money. Michelle Obama - Oversaw patient dumping scheme for profit, as the vice president Of University of Chicago Hospital, where she also coincidently went from 100K to over 300K promotion upon Barack Obama becoming state senator. Tony Rezko - Chicago Slum lord, Convicted on 16 counts of corruption Jeremiah Wright - Obama spiritual mentor 20 years, who promoted anti-government, anti-white sentiment. ACORN - Corrupt federally funded organization, who Obama gave 800K to, and who Obama lawyered for, and benefitted from politically. Fraudulant voter registration drives. Recently exposed advising a pimp , and prostituute on how to bring in minors from other countries for purposes of prostitution, how to get illegal tax breaks, and how to stash away profits. William Ayers - Weather Underground domestic terrorist who Obama partnered with (Chicago Annenberg Challenge) (Woods Fund) on radical left projects with the intent of indocrtinating youth.Obama also launched his bid for Chicago senate from Ayers home.
  12. Ah, Name calling, the final installment of a liberal argument. I went to scrap the ice of my windshield.
  13. Get the popcorn ready, this should be good.
  14. I am working on the 3 Fs. Food, Fuel and Firearms.
  15. You don't believe it, so it's not true. Now I understand.
  16. Still waiting for an explanation of how I am wrong!!!!!
  17. When will people understand that failing as a QB in Buffalo is not a true indication of playing ability?
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